vikas sinha wrote:
> I just installed qmail1.03-i386.rpm on my RedHat6.0(kernel 2.2.9)
> It seems SMTP is not working properly. When I try to send e-mail by pine.
>  It complained "SMTP greeting failure: 421 SMTP connection went away".

I believe Pine uses sendmail for it's MTA interface.  I'm not sure
whether your RPM file replaced the default sendmail program in place or
not, so you should double-check that this is so.  Just move the current
sendmail program (either in /usr/lib/sendmail or /usr/sbin/sendmail or
else try `locate sendmail`) to a backup file and then make a symbolic
link from that location to /var/qmail/bin/sendmail (adjust according to
where you installed qmail) by doing:

ln -s /var/qmail/bin/sendmail [location where you found sendmail such as

>  IF I try to telnet localhost 25, here is the response
>  telnet localhost 25
>  Trying
>  Connected to localhost.
>  Escape character is '^]'.
>  Connection closed by foreign host.

I'm going to assume you're using tcpd here.  First of all, make sure you
have this line (all one one line) in your /etc/inetd.conf file:

        smtp    stream  tcp     nowait  qmaild  [location of tcpd such as 
again, if you're not sure: `locate tcpd`]       /var/qmail/bin/tcp-env

and that you have the following in your /etc/hosts.allow file:

        tcp-env: setenv = RELAYCLIENT
        tcp-env: (any other IP addresses you want to be able to relay) : setenv

then send tcpd (inetd) a SIGHUP signal:

        ps auxw | grep inetd
        kill -SIGHUP [proccess number of inetd]

> When i Checked the /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd status
> it showed
> 220 hostname ESMTP
> 502 unimplemenetd (#5.5.1)

Doesn't look like you setup your control files, either, which isn't a
big deal; but it's always nice:

        echo -n [your domain name/IP address here] > /var/qmail/control/me
        echo -n localhost > /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts
        echo -n postmaster > /var/qmail/control/doublebounceto

Judging by these problems you're having, I might guess that you didn't
read much of any manual on qmail.  Try reading Life with Qmail
(, it's a world of help.

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

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