qmail Digest 23 Mar 2001 11:00:00 -0000 Issue 1312

Topics (messages 59504 through 59571):

Re: filtering with perl
        59504 by: Todd Finney

newbie: qmail + vpopmail
        59505 by: - = k o l i s k o = -
        59506 by: Robin S. Socha
        59511 by: Wes Wannemacher
        59512 by: Robin S. Socha
        59515 by: Adrian Ho
        59521 by: Wes Wannemacher

Re: qmail-send dependent on log?
        59507 by: Sumith

RH 6.2 - qmail logging
        59508 by: Iain Morrison

sh ./run ? ermmmmm
        59509 by: Alan Lee
        59529 by: Harald Hanche-Olsen

Re: heavy traffic on port 25
        59510 by: Paulo Jan
        59525 by: Krzysztof Wychowalek

Re: About dot qmail program!
        59513 by: Charles Cazabon

Re: LWQ and POP3
        59514 by: Charles Cazabon
        59541 by: Dave Sill

        59516 by: Andrew Wafula

mail not forwarding
        59517 by: Virginia Chism
        59518 by: Charles Cazabon
        59519 by: Virginia Chism
        59520 by: Johan Almqvist
        59522 by: Virginia Chism
        59536 by: Virginia Chism
        59539 by: Virginia Chism
        59540 by: Virginia Chism

Attachments via /usr/bin/sendmail
        59523 by: Alex Le Fevre
        59530 by: Kep Brown
        59532 by: Alex Le Fevre
        59538 by: Alex Le Fevre

        59524 by: Federico Edelman Anaya
        59526 by: Dan Peterson
        59527 by: Chris Johnson

10,000 outbound emails
        59528 by: Bill Parker
        59531 by: Kurth Bemis

cyrus authenticating out of CDB
        59533 by: Gaston

Re: VERP problems
        59534 by: Dave Sill
        59542 by: Brett
        59544 by: Charles Cazabon
        59545 by: Dave Sill
        59546 by: Brett

Mostly OT: New qmail server security concerns
        59535 by: Roger Merchberger
        59569 by: James Raftery

same VERP problem
        59537 by: Brett
        59543 by: Dave Sill

help people
        59547 by: Dixon Canario

hey with  Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)
        59548 by: Dixon Canario
        59551 by: Nick (Keith) Fish
        59553 by: David Talkington

Connection unexpectedly terminated
        59549 by: Carey Jung
        59550 by: Mark Delany
        59552 by: Fabrizio Fresco
        59564 by: Carey Jung

outgoing mail to be forwarded to another email
        59554 by: KIM

bounce mail
        59555 by: KY Lui

svscan and heavy load
        59556 by: Aleksander Olsen

perl script in qmail
        59557 by: Essy Ren

Content Types
        59558 by: Alex Le Fevre

me contents
        59559 by: Flash

New to Qmail, probably a stupid question...
        59560 by: Tyrone Mills
        59561 by: Chris Johnson
        59562 by: Tyrone Mills
        59563 by: Jack Thomas

Re: tcpserver rblsmtpd
        59565 by: Rick Updegrove

qmail queue
        59566 by: Sumith

multiple virtualdomains and no locals
        59567 by: Martin Dougiamas

smtp relay & vpopmail
        59568 by: Martin Edlman
        59570 by: Yves Caetano

why it's always send to me even though the condition is 200 ??
        59571 by: Essy Ren


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Thanks, that appears to do the trick.  I tried doing that with 
qmail-inject, and it didn't work.

I surprised that I can't just modify the stream.  I thought that was 
the whole point of program delivery.   Doing it this way precludes 
checking the message with ezmlm-reject, but I suppose that's not too 
big a deal.

thanks again,

At 05:38 AM 3/22/01, Kirill Miazine wrote:
>You first submit a message to the perl prog, it does its stuff and 
>happily exits without doing something with the content
>What if you open a pipe from the program to 
>/usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-send '/home/list/test'?
>something like
>my $from = 'From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]';
>my $list = 'To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]';
>open PIPE, '|/usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-send /home/list/test';
>while (<>) {
>     s/From:\s.+$/$from/io;
>     s/To:\s.+$/$list/io;
>     print PIPE $_;
>close PIPE;

Hi all!

I have now installed qmail and vpopmail from debian distr.

when i tried send a message to local user the message stored in
directory. But when i tried get the message trought pop3 i got error that
not exist...

how is possible set qmail to store messages to $home/maildir?
or how is possible to configure vpopmail to get messages from


S pozdravem,
Michal Kolesar
+420 608 225025
server of free unix services

* - = k o l i s k o = - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 06:33]:
> I have now installed qmail and vpopmail from debian distr.

Packages suck. Why don't you install from source?

> when i tried send a message to local user the message stored in
> /var/spool/mail directory. But when i tried get the message trought
> pop3 i got error that $home/maildir not exist...

Read the manual you must. Understand problem you will.

> how is possible set qmail to store messages to $home/maildir?
> or how is possible to configure vpopmail to get messages from
> /var/spool/mail?

The latter is IMO not desirable. I've put up my config files on the web.
I'm running a setup as described in http://mail.socha.net/about/

You are probably looking for 

vpopmail has its own mailinglist, BTW.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 06:40:14AM -0500, Robin S. Socha wrote:
> * - = k o l i s k o = - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 06:33]:
> > I have now installed qmail and vpopmail from debian distr.
> Packages suck. Why don't you install from source?

Debian packages don't suck. If you are on a Debian list you will
probably get flamed for installing from source, whereas on the qmail
list, you get flamed for not installing from source. Ahh, life is full
of Catch 22s.

> > when i tried send a message to local user the message stored in
> > /var/spool/mail directory. But when i tried get the message trought
> > pop3 i got error that $home/maildir not exist...
> Read the manual you must. Understand problem you will.
> > how is possible set qmail to store messages to $home/maildir?
> > or how is possible to configure vpopmail to get messages from
> > /var/spool/mail?

The startup script that Debian uses defaults to this delivery method so
that you can easily install IMAP/POP servers, etc. You have to change
the startup script in /etc/init.d and make sure you 'maildirmake' for
all your users.


Wesley Wannemacher
Instructor / Network Administrator
University of Northwestern Ohio

: The following (relative to AutoSplit 1.03) attempts to please everyone
: and perhaps pleases no one:

I think that's way cool.
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

* Wes Wannemacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 08:51]:
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 06:40:14AM -0500, Robin S. Socha wrote:
> > * - = k o l i s k o = - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 06:33]:

> > > I have now installed qmail and vpopmail from debian distr.
> > Packages suck. Why don't you install from source?
> Debian packages don't suck. 

Packages suck. I'm running 5 different operating systems. And just one
set of supervise scripts. Go figure. It's nice to have binary packages
for certain things, but qmail is not one of them. YMMV.

> If you are on a Debian list you will probably get flamed for
> installing from source, whereas on the qmail list, you get flamed for
> not installing from source. Ahh, life is full of Catch 22s.

While Debian is one of the better Linux distributions, their packages
can be very questionable. This thread goes to underline DJB's position
stated in http://cr.yp.to/compatibility.html EoD.

On Thu, 22 Mar 2001, Robin S. Socha wrote:

> Packages suck.

Short, sharp and entirely "motherhood" in nature.  I like it.  8-)

> I'm running 5 different operating systems. And just one set of
> supervise scripts. Go figure. It's nice to have binary packages for
> certain things, but qmail is not one of them. YMMV.

No package manager I know stops you from creating and installing a qmail
package that puts the stuff Where Dan Wants Them, and generally respects
http://cr.yp.to/compatibility.html.  Since that URL says nothing about
packages[*], and everything about Where Things Go, does this suck?

[*] For _that_, http://cr.yp.to/slashpackage.html.  Which doesn't condemn
    packages like you did, but suggests a neater way to implement them.


On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 09:16:37AM -0500, Robin S. Socha wrote:
> * Wes Wannemacher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 08:51]:
> > On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 06:40:14AM -0500, Robin S. Socha wrote:
> > > * - = k o l i s k o = - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 06:33]:
> > > > I have now installed qmail and vpopmail from debian distr.
> > > Packages suck. Why don't you install from source?
> > Debian packages don't suck. 
> Packages suck. I'm running 5 different operating systems. And just one
> set of supervise scripts. Go figure. It's nice to have binary packages
> for certain things, but qmail is not one of them. YMMV.
> > If you are on a Debian list you will probably get flamed for
> > installing from source, whereas on the qmail list, you get flamed for
> > not installing from source. Ahh, life is full of Catch 22s.
> While Debian is one of the better Linux distributions, their packages
> can be very questionable. This thread goes to underline DJB's position
> stated in http://cr.yp.to/compatibility.html EoD.

I am not really trying to start a flame war, but the .deb of qmail does
build from source and respects most of DJBs beliefs. I just didn't want
people to get the idea that Debian packages are near as bad as RPMs. I
do appreciate that you see Debian as a 'better Linux distribution'.


Wesley Wannemacher
Instructor / Network Administrator
University of Northwestern Ohio

To Perl, or not to Perl, that is the kvetching.
             -- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >No deliveries were happening on our qmail server, since I changed the
> >qmail/log/run file installed from qmail rpms to that required by
> >(qmail-loganalyzer)
> > #!/bin/sh
> > exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t
!isoqlogappend ./main
> >Mails started coming in once I reverted back to the original log
> >What went wrong, does qmail-send require proper log files to deliver the
> >mails.
> From <URL:http://cr.yp.to/daemontools/multilog.html>:
>    Note that running processor may block any program feeding input to
>    multilog.
> If isoqlogappend blocks; multilog blocks, which blocks qmail-send.

Where does that leave me....what can I do to make isoqlog work????

- Sumith

I would just like to thank you all for your help in getting qmail running on 
my server.

Thanks everyone.

Iain Morrison
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.

root     19125  0.5  0.3   828  204 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 supervise
root     19126  0.0  0.3   828  204 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 supervise log
root     19127  4.0  0.3   828  204 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 supervise
root     19128  0.0  0.3   828  204 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 supervise log
qmaill   19129  0.5  0.3   836  204 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail
qmails   19130  2.0  0.4   876  264 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 qmail-send
qmaill   19131  1.5  0.3   836  204 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail/smtpd
root     19136  0.0  0.3   836  232 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 qmail-lspawn
qmailr   19137  0.5  0.3   836  232 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 qmail-rspawn
qmailq   19138  0.5  0.3   832  224 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 qmail-clean
root     19523  0.0  1.3  2376  836 ttyp3    R    00:26   0:00 ps aux
root     19531  0.0  0.7  1116  468 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 sh ./run
root     19532  0.0  0.7  1112  468 ttyp3    R    00:26   0:00 sh ./run

root     19125  0.0  0.3   828  204 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 supervise
root     19126  0.0  0.3   828  204 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 supervise log
root     19127  2.1  0.3   828  204 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:01 supervise
root     19128  0.0  0.3   828  204 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 supervise log
qmaill   19129  0.0  0.3   836  204 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail
qmails   19130  0.0  0.4   876  264 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 qmail-send
qmaill   19131  0.3  0.3   844  232 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00
/usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail/smtpd
root     19136  0.0  0.3   836  232 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 qmail-lspawn
qmailr   19137  0.0  0.3   836  232 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 qmail-rspawn
qmailq   19138  0.0  0.3   832  224 ttyp3    S    00:26   0:00 qmail-clean
root     29228  0.0  1.3  2376  836 ttyp3    R    00:27   0:00 ps aux
root     29236  0.0  0.7  1116  468 ttyp3    S    00:27   0:00 sh ./run
root     29237  0.0  0.7  1112  468 ttyp3    R    00:27   0:00 sh ./run

Notice the sh ./run ... and how many PID's its gone up in a matter of about
20 seconds.......... This only happens when QMAIL is working........... What
could be causeing this to happen? Qmail works....... I can send/receive via
any domain its currently hosting?  What files you wana see of mine?


+ "Alan Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

| Notice the sh ./run ... and how many PID's its gone up in a matter of about
| 20 seconds..........

Um, your run files don't run qmail-start, tcpserver and whatever in
the background, do they?  They shouldn't.  On the contrary, run should
do some setup is necessary, then exec some long-running daemon.

For example, here is one of my run files:

; cat /service/qmail/run 
exec env - PATH=$PATH qmail-start ./Mailbox 2>&1

- Harald

"Hubbard, David" wrote:
> Check the logging from your tcpserver on port 25, if
> you see a lot of status 256's over and over, like one
> to ten per second, then it could be a broken Microsoft
> SMTP Service server trying to deliver mail to you.  MS's
> SMTP Service tries to send emails without the
> qmail-required carriage return line feed (\r\n) on the
> end of the lines so the connection is rejected with a
> 442 (number may be wrong) error, a code to tell the
> server to retry again later.  Sometimes these stupid
> servers will instead start retrying as often as they
> can make connections given the available bandwidth.  One
> of my qmail servers is on an OC3 and I was seeing about
> 10 connections per second from one of these machines
> which took up quite a bit of bandwidth.
> Here's the MS article:
> http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q224/9/83.ASP
> Dave

        I agree that it's probably that; it already happened to me a couple of
times. The last time, I found out by doing a netstat during several days
when the incoming traffic was unusually high and finding out one SMTP
connection that didn't die and was always there, even when there wasn't
any other traffic. I connected to the port 25 of that host, and what did
I find?

        "Microsoft SMTP MAIL ready blah blah blah..."

                                                Paulo Jan.

On 21 Mar 01, at 18:39, Charles Cazabon wrote:

> > What is more interesting is that even if I stop qmail, the traffic
> > is still coming to the port 25 in the same amount. :-o

> qmail-smtpd is sometimes started separately, typically under
> tcpserver. It won't stop when you stop the main qmail processes.

What is happening is funny. I stop Qmail, and the at the same time 
when IPTRAF reports huge amount of SMTP packets incoming, in 
the iplogger logs I have no SMTP attempts at all. When I start 
Qmail, in the logger and qmail logs, I have some SMTP data 
coming (like two-three messages every 10 minutes... it was 6 in 
the morning when I tried it), and IPTRAF still reports 1 MB of data 
per minute coming to port 25.

And not only IPTRAF is reporting that, but my provider also, and I 
pay for every GB of traffic. Now it seems that I will go bankrupt 
really soon :-(

Krzysztof Wychowalek
ICQ# 34184303
GSM +48600225435

Silver Dirk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I write a program use C/C++ language, and put its path into a dot qmail file
> like this:
>     |/path/to/my/program/getmailcontent
> But I get nothing but headers. So I need urs help how to get the whole mail
> content from this environment.

Either the message that you received had no body, or your program is buggy.
qmail feeds the whole message to your program, headers plus body, all in
one go.  `man qmail-command` for more details.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Neafevoc K. Marindale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just setup qmail using Life with qmail, and everything seems to be 
> working just fine.  But I wanted to use POP3 with it, and somehow trying to 
> add pop3d to tcpserver just isn't working.

What "doesn't work"?  What error messages do you get?  What shows up in the

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

"Neafevoc K. Marindale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I just setup qmail using Life with qmail, and everything seems to be 
>working just fine.  But I wanted to use POP3 with it, and somehow trying to 
>add pop3d to tcpserver just isn't working.
>I'm still sort of new to he *nix world.  Btw, I'm using FreeBSD 4.2, if it 
>matters.  Anyway, this is what script looks like in 
>exec /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -R 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup FQDN \
>     /usr/local/bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 2>&1
>QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
>NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
>MAXSMTPD=`cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`
>exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 2000000 \
>     /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c "$MAXSMTPD" \
>         -u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 
>And yeah, I did put my fully qualified domain name in FQDN :)


You can't combine two services in one run script. You need to set up a
separate service for qmail-pop3.



For instructions on setting up qmail-pop3d the LWQ way.



I don't know if this is the right place for this question but I have seen
alot of questions on virtual domains so I guess it wont hurt to ask.

I have had only a single domain on my qmail machine so I was using system
accounts, which we want to keep. Now the guys high up have decided to add
another domain which is meant to be a virtual domain since it serves mail
for another office which connects thru the Internet.

I set up vpopmail and it is working since I managed to create the virtual
domain and some users. My question is how do I authenticate pop3 for both
the virtual domain and the system accounts on the same machine.

I am running qmail-pop3d under svscan and my script is:

        exec tcpserver 0 110 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup my.domain.co.ke \
        /var/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir &

my.domain.co.ke is the domain which we were using system accounts.


My server is a UNIX box with BSDi 4.0, Apache, Qmail, and Frontpage.

In order for my FP client to forward email from an 'alias' address on her
page to her personal address, I added  'SMTPHost mymailserver.address.com'
in the frontpage.cnf AND her
domainname.cnf file.  I then  made 'herdomain.org' virtual, and forward mail
out of an appropriate
.qmail file directly:

    echo "herdomain.org:alias-herdomain" >>/var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
    echo "&forwardaddress" >~alias/.qmail-herdomain-info

then restarted the system.  I was told NOT to put her in locals, but might
have missed a step.  From the error messages listed below it appears I
should put her in rcpthosts.  Just want to check as I am a newbie and
definitely NOT the guru you folks are!

Please advise.  And thanks in advance!

> tail -f  /usr/var/log/daemon.log

Mar 22 09:22:42 midnightsun named[1321]: sysquery: findns error (NXDOMAIN)
on fiskrri.org?
Mar 22 09:22:43 midnightsun named[1321]: Lame server on 'dns1.telalink.net'
(in'telalink.NET'?): [].53 'NS1-AUTH.SPRINTLINK.NET': learnt
Mar 22 09:22:43 midnightsun [EMAIL PROTECTED][3741]:
connect from imo-m05.mx.aol.com

Returned mail message:

The original message was received at Thu, 22 Mar 2001 10:22:36 -0500 (EST)
from root@localhost

   ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to midnightsun.chismtrail.com.:
<<< 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)
550 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... User unknown

Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: failed
Status: 5.1.1
Remote-MTA: DNS; midnightsun.chismtrail.com
Diagnostic-Code: SMTP; 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed
rcpthosts (#5.7.1)
Last-Attempt-Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 10:23:14 -0500 (EST)

Received: from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        by imo-m05.mx.aol.com (mail_out_v29.5.) id n.6.13d2732c (17530)
         for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Thu, 22 Mar 2001 10:22:36 -0500 (EST)
Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 10:22:36 EST
Subject: test
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Windows sub 130

----------------------- Headers --------------------------------
Return-Path: <>
Received: from  rly-xb05.mx.aol.com (rly-xb05.mail.aol.com [])
by air-xb02.mail.aol.com (v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Thu, 22 Mar 2001
10:23:29 -0500
Received: from  imo-m05.mx.aol.com (imo-m05.mx.aol.com []) by
rly-xb05.mx.aol.com (v77_r1.21) with ESMTP; Thu, 22 Mar 2001 10:23:15 1900
Received: from localhost (localhost)
          by imo-m05.mx.aol.com (8.8.8/8.8.8/AOL-5.0.0)
          with internal id KAA26512;
          Thu, 22 Mar 2001 10:23:14 -0500 (EST)
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 10:23:14 -0500 (EST)
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Returned mail: User unknown
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/report; report-type=delivery-status;
Auto-Submitted: auto-generated (failure)

Virginia Chism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I then  made 'herdomain.org' virtual, and forward mail
> out of an appropriate
> .qmail file directly:
>     echo "herdomain.org:alias-herdomain" >>/var/qmail/control/virtualdomains
>     echo "&forwardaddress" >~alias/.qmail-herdomain-info
> then restarted the system.  I was told NOT to put her in locals, but might
> have missed a step.  From the error messages listed below it appears I
> should put her in rcpthosts.  Just want to check as I am a newbie and
> definitely NOT the guru you folks are!

Yes, put "herdomain.org" in rcpthosts, or mail for that domain will not
be accepted over SMTP.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

OK.  I meant to change that.  sorry!

This is in '/usr/var/qmail/alias'

.qmail-fiskrri-info     .qmail-postmaster       .qmail-webmaster
.qmail-mailer-daemon    .qmail-root             Maildir
midnightsun% pwd

and  .qmail-fiskrri-info loopks like this:

-----Original Message-----
From: Johan Almqvist [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 9:50 AM
To: Virginia Chism
Subject: Re: mail not forwarding

* Virginia Chism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 16:40]:
>     echo "herdomain.org:alias-herdomain"
>     echo "&forwardaddress" >~alias/.qmail-herdomain-info
> Please advise.  And thanks in advance!

Give us the real domain names, or we won't help you.

Johan Almqvist

* Virginia Chism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010322 16:58]:
> OK.  I meant to change that.  sorry!
> This is in '/usr/var/qmail/alias'
> .qmail-fiskrri-info     .qmail-postmaster       .qmail-webmaster
> .qmail-mailer-daemon    .qmail-root             Maildir
> midnightsun% pwd
> and  .qmail-fiskrri-info loopks like this:

What do you have in control/rcpthosts? contol/virtual?

Johan Almqvist

PGP signature

This is in '/usr/var/qmail/alias'

.qmail-fiskrri-info     .qmail-postmaster       .qmail-webmaster
.qmail-mailer-daemon    .qmail-root             Maildir
midnightsun% pwd

and  .qmail-fiskrri-info looks like this:

Would I add herdomain to rcpthosts by:  'echo "fiskrri.org"

and restart again?

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: mail not forwarding

Virginia Chism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I then  made 'herdomain.org' virtual, and forward mail
> out of an appropriate
> .qmail file directly:
>     echo "herdomain.org:alias-herdomain"
>     echo "&forwardaddress" >~alias/.qmail-herdomain-info
> then restarted the system.  I was told NOT to put her in locals, but might
> have missed a step.  From the error messages listed below it appears I
> should put her in rcpthosts.  Just want to check as I am a newbie and
> definitely NOT the guru you folks are!

Yes, put "herdomain.org" in rcpthosts, or mail for that domain will not
be accepted over SMTP.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

I did the following:

  'echo "fiskrri.org" >>/var/qmail/control/rcpthosts'

and tested it.  It worked without having to restart.  Thanks to all who had
suggestions and help!

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 9:48 AM
Subject: Re: mail not forwarding

Virginia Chism <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I then  made 'herdomain.org' virtual, and forward mail
> out of an appropriate
> .qmail file directly:
>     echo "herdomain.org:alias-herdomain"
>     echo "&forwardaddress" >~alias/.qmail-herdomain-info
> then restarted the system.  I was told NOT to put her in locals, but might
> have missed a step.  From the error messages listed below it appears I
> should put her in rcpthosts.  Just want to check as I am a newbie and
> definitely NOT the guru you folks are!

Yes, put "herdomain.org" in rcpthosts, or mail for that domain will not
be accepted over SMTP.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Left out the 'tail -f /var/log/maillog' that makes me think the thing works!
It is at the end.

I did the following:

  'echo "fiskrri.org" >>/var/qmail/control/rcpthosts'

and tested it.  It worked without having to restart.  Thanks to all who had
suggestions and help!

Mar 22 12:45:54 midnightsun qmail: 985286754.978160 new msg 277787
Mar 22 12:45:54 midnightsun qmail: 985286754.979816 info msg 277787: bytes
from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 4319 uid 132
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.097156 starting delivery 3313:
277787 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.106468 status: local 1/10
remote 0/
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.308502 new msg 277788
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.310075 info msg 277788: bytes
from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 4322 uid 131
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.498510 starting delivery 3314:
277788 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.506404 status: local 1/10
remote 1/
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.508564 delivery 3313: success:

Mar 22 12:46:22 midnightsun qmail: 985286782.688541 delivery 3314: success:

I did the following:

  'echo "fiskrri.org" >>/var/qmail/control/rcpthosts'

and tested it.  It seems to have worked without having to restart.  Thanks
to all who had suggestions and help!

This is from  'tail -f /var/log/maillog'

Mar 22 12:45:54 midnightsun qmail: 985286754.978160 new msg 277787
Mar 22 12:45:54 midnightsun qmail: 985286754.979816 info msg 277787: bytes
from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 4319 uid 132
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.097156 starting delivery 3313:
277787 to local [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.106468 status: local 1/10
remote 0/
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.308502 new msg 277788
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.310075 info msg 277788: bytes
from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 4322 uid 131
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.498510 starting delivery 3314:
277788 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.506404 status: local 1/10
remote 1/
Mar 22 12:45:55 midnightsun qmail: 985286755.508564 delivery 3313: success:

Mar 22 12:46:22 midnightsun qmail: 985286782.688541 delivery 3314: success:

How would I go about attaching encoded files (i.e.
jpg, gif, etc.) via the mailwrapper? I'm trying to
write a Perl script that first uploads a file (which
I've done no problem), and then e-mails it out to a
specified address. I've seen some examples that
mentioned uuencoding, but I'm not sure if this would
be right for all types of attachments.

Alex Le Fevre

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Give it a try.  I did and the gif came through correctly.

(cat ants-logo.gif|uuencode ants-logo.gif;echo "Hi
Kep")|/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject [EMAIL PROTECTED]



  ants.com <http://www.ants.com>  scout <http://www.ants.com/scout>

Kep Brown
Systems, Network and Database Administrator
phone: (805) 560-3781
fax: (805) 560-3991

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Le Fevre [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 8:59 AM
Subject: Attachments via /usr/bin/sendmail

How would I go about attaching encoded files (i.e.
jpg, gif, etc.) via the mailwrapper? I'm trying to
write a Perl script that first uploads a file (which
I've done no problem), and then e-mails it out to a
specified address. I've seen some examples that
mentioned uuencoding, but I'm not sure if this would
be right for all types of attachments.

Alex Le Fevre

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

That made it come through as a bunch of gobbledygook
to my mail...but that's OK, because I know what I have
to write on my mailwrapper to get it to see that it's
an attachment. I think that suggestion will do the
trick. Thanks!

Alex Le Fevre

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Hmmm...I thought I had it, but not quite. For some
reason, my Perl script is outputting to the screen,
not my mailwrapper. Are there any limitations on what
you can send to the mailwrapper? My program is below:


$fileout = system("/bin/cat
/home/www/schnarff/images/chili.jpg |
/usr/bin/uuencode /home/www/schnarff/chili.jpg");
$bound = "---bound";

open (MAIL, "|/usr/bin/sendmail -t");
print MAIL "To: alexlefevre\@yahoo.com\n";
print MAIL "Mime-Version: 1.0\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
boundary=\"$bound\"; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n";
print MAIL "$bound\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: image/jpg;
print MAIL "Content-Disposition: attachment;
print MAIL "Content-Transfer-Encoding: uuencode";
print MAIL "$fileout";
close MAIL;


Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 


I'm running Qmail-1.03 (big-dns.patch, big-concurrency.patch,
badmailfrom.patch, AND qmail-1.03-qmtpc.patch), daemontools, ucspi-tcp
on testing servers.

I add on my DNS:

IN    MX    12800    mail.myserver.com. ; for SMTP service
IN    MX    12801    mail.myserver.com. ; for QMTP service

I'm running under the supervise script the qmtpd service ... when I send
a mail to myserver.com, the qmail-remote communicate to SMTP instead of


Thanks! :)

  Federico Edelman Anaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> IN    MX    12800    mail.myserver.com. ; for SMTP service
> IN    MX    12801    mail.myserver.com. ; for QMTP service
> I'm running under the supervise script the qmtpd service ... when I send
> a mail to myserver.com, the qmail-remote communicate to SMTP instead of
> QMTP :(

Because the SMTP-related MX has a lower distance than the QMTP-related MX.
If you have one MX host that supports QMTP and SMTP (which it has to), just
create one MX record with a distance of 12801.

Dan Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://danp.net

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 02:38:34PM +0000, Federico Edelman Anaya wrote:
> I'm running Qmail-1.03 (big-dns.patch, big-concurrency.patch,
> badmailfrom.patch, AND qmail-1.03-qmtpc.patch), daemontools, ucspi-tcp
> on testing servers.
> I add on my DNS:
> IN    MX    12800    mail.myserver.com. ; for SMTP service
> IN    MX    12801    mail.myserver.com. ; for QMTP service
> I'm running under the supervise script the qmtpd service ... when I send
> a mail to myserver.com, the qmail-remote communicate to SMTP instead of
> QMTP :(

Read http://cr.yp.to/proto/mxps.txt. You want to remove the 12800 entry and
leave only the 12801 entry. Hosts that support QMTP will see the 12801
preference and attempt to communicate via QMTP; hosts that don't will try SMTP.


PGP signature

Hi All,

        I have qmail running on a pent-133 w/32MB, kernel 2.2.14,
tcpserver, qmailadmin, vpopmail, amavis-0.2.1, and NAI's anti-virus
software.  Everything is working just fine, however, one of the
supervisors wants to send 10,000 emails through the box to various
users (aka a mass mailing).  Does anyone see any problems with
doing something like this, or would you need more information about
my current configuration of qmail?


At 01:01 PM 3/22/2001, Bill Parker wrote:

I don't see any problem with the machine - i do however see a problem with 
the situation.  Isn't a mass unsolicited mail called spam :-)


>Hi All,
>         I have qmail running on a pent-133 w/32MB, kernel 2.2.14,
>tcpserver, qmailadmin, vpopmail, amavis-0.2.1, and NAI's anti-virus
>software.  Everything is working just fine, however, one of the
>supervisors wants to send 10,000 emails through the box to various
>users (aka a mass mailing).  Does anyone see any problems with
>doing something like this, or would you need more information about
>my current configuration of qmail?

does anyone know whereelse I can get the patch for cyrus to use the
I already tried:
with no success :(


* dark greets liw with a small yellow frog.

* liw kisses the frog and watches it transform to a beautiful nerd
  girl, takes her out to ice cream, and lives happily forever after
  with her

<dark> liw: Umm it's too late to have the frog back?

PGP signature

"Brett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm trying to implement VERP for my own user address, that is, an address
>that's not a mailing list.
>I found a VERP page (quoted below) and according to that I should touch
>~/.qmail-me-owner and ~/.qmail-me-owner-default. Then if I set the
>QMAILINJECT environment variable to 'r', I'm ready to go. I call:
>echo to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
>and I check the log. The mail is sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] not
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] as I was lead to believe would occur
>automatically. Then when it bounces, it goes to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You see, it
>adds that "-" after "me" like it's trying to do the VERP address but then
>doesn't add the noone info. I know I'm messing up a step (perhaps several)
>but I don't know where. Anyone? I'm humbled by all your linux/qmail/computer
>stuff in general knowledge. Thanks again.

No, you're not messing anything up. There are two kinds of bounces:
those generated remotely and those generated locally. If the local
system is not able to pass a message off to a remote system, the
bounce generated will be local--from your qmail--and it'll go to the
"me-" address rather than the me-user%host VERP address. This is done
this way because the local bounce can contain multiple undeliverable
addresses. To process these bounces, you need to parse the
QSMBF-format bounce message that qmail generates.


Okay, but the bounce sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] also gets bounced. It doesn't
know to send 'me-*' eamil through to 'me' even though I've touched
~/.qmail-me-owner and ~/.qmail-me-owner-default and chmodded both to 777.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Sill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 10:51 AM
Subject: Re: VERP problems

"Brett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm trying to implement VERP for my own user address, that is, an address
>that's not a mailing list.
>I found a VERP page (quoted below) and according to that I should touch
>~/.qmail-me-owner and ~/.qmail-me-owner-default. Then if I set the
>QMAILINJECT environment variable to 'r', I'm ready to go. I call:
>echo to:[EMAIL PROTECTED] | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject
>and I check the log. The mail is sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] not
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] as I was lead to believe would occur
>automatically. Then when it bounces, it goes to [EMAIL PROTECTED] You see, it
>adds that "-" after "me" like it's trying to do the VERP address but then
>doesn't add the noone info. I know I'm messing up a step (perhaps several)
>but I don't know where. Anyone? I'm humbled by all your
>stuff in general knowledge. Thanks again.

No, you're not messing anything up. There are two kinds of bounces:
those generated remotely and those generated locally. If the local
system is not able to pass a message off to a remote system, the
bounce generated will be local--from your qmail--and it'll go to the
"me-" address rather than the me-user%host VERP address. This is done
this way because the local bounce can contain multiple undeliverable
addresses. To process these bounces, you need to parse the
QSMBF-format bounce message that qmail generates.


Brett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, but the bounce sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] also gets bounced. It doesn't
> know to send 'me-*' eamil through to 'me' even though I've touched
> ~/.qmail-me-owner and ~/.qmail-me-owner-default and chmodded both to 777.

Making the files world-writable is bad, and qmail won't use them if they

To make username-me-* email deliverable, you need a .qmail-me-default file.
.qmail-me-owner-default doesn't match "username-me-foo".

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

"Brett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Okay, but the bounce sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] also gets bounced. It doesn't
>know to send 'me-*' eamil through to 'me' even though I've touched
>~/.qmail-me-owner and ~/.qmail-me-owner-default and chmodded both to 777.

Try touching .qmail-default. Neither ~/.qmail-me-owner noed
~/.qmail-me-owner-default will match "me-".


Okay, yes, now I'm getting me- emails sent to the me mailbox. This is
progress. But I'm still a little confused about your previous email:

        "No, you're not messing anything up. There are two kinds of bounces:
those generated remotely and those generated locally. If the local
system is not able to pass a message off to a remote system, the
bounce generated will be local--from your qmail--and it'll go to the
"me-" address rather than the me-user%host VERP address. This is done
this way because the local bounce can contain multiple undeliverable
addresses. To process these bounces, you need to parse the
QSMBF-format bounce message that qmail generates."

>From this, I gather that in order to collect the email addresses of these
bounces, I need to write a script that goes through the me mailbox and
extracts the email addresses from the bounce messages. I can do this (though
it seems like there must be a better way). But when does the VERP
functionality present itself? I send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
and that server tells me 'beets is unknown' -- isn't that a remote bounce?
Shouldn't the email be returned to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]? Because it isn't; I'm still
getting those sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or is this still considered a local
bounce? If this is a local bounce then how do I simulate a remote bounce?
I'm going to be Bcc-ing a bunch of people and I just need a reliable way to
determine the addresses that bounce. Thank you everyone for helping me so

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Sill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 12:24 PM
Subject: RE: VERP problems

"Brett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Okay, but the bounce sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] also gets bounced. It doesn't
>know to send 'me-*' eamil through to 'me' even though I've touched
>~/.qmail-me-owner and ~/.qmail-me-owner-default and chmodded both to 777.

Try touching .qmail-default. Neither ~/.qmail-me-owner noed
~/.qmail-me-owner-default will match "me-".


This is mostly off-topic so I apologize for any lost bandwith & whatnot,
but here goes:

We're looking at building a new qmail server at my ISP (running Linux) and
we may be implementing software raid for the home directories & the qmail
queue to help reduce I/O latency, which unfortunately precludes me from
running (my nice secure distro of choice) Caldera...

Redhat (6.2 & 7.0) & Suse (7.0) support software raid, but from unfortunate
personal experience, I've found they are about as secure as a steel sieve
full of Win98 CD's...

What are other folks here using to keep their nice, secure MTA secure
across the rest of the box? (info on distros, utilities, etc. most welcome.)

Emails off-list to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be much
appreciated, and if enough folks are interested, I'll print a summary and
post that to the list... but as this primarily off-topic, I don't want to
waste too many people's bandwidth.

Thanks Bazillions,
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 01:51:57PM -0500, Roger Merchberger wrote:
> This is mostly off-topic so I apologize for any lost bandwith & whatnot,
> but here goes:

Yep; this question is, in essence, 'which Linux do you suggest' and is
more suited (and likely to be answered better) on a general Linux list.

> What are other folks here using to keep their nice, secure MTA secure
> across the rest of the box? (info on distros, utilities, etc. most welcome.)

FWIW, I see the different Linux distros as a starting point. I'd never
deploy an out-of-the-box Linux installation whether from Caldera, Suse,
RedHat, etc.
RedHat can be made sufficiently tight to keep me happy. It just involves
liberal application of 'rpm -e'.

James Raftery (JBR54)
  "It's somewhere in the Red Hat district"  --  A network engineer's
   freudian slip when talking about Amsterdam's nightlife at RIPE 38.

I'm still having the same annoying problem with the VERP implementation. How
do I get it running on my home email address? That is, all emails I send out
from [EMAIL PROTECTED], if bounced, I want sent back to

"Brett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I'm still having the same annoying problem with the VERP implementation. How
>do I get it running on my home email address? That is, all emails I send out
>from [EMAIL PROTECTED], if bounced, I want sent back to

Did you read my reply?



Please forgive the directness of this plea for help! We
have a qmail
server which is bouncing all email sent to it for any
recipients, and
I was hoping that somebody would be kind enough to point us
in the
right direction before all our hair goes grey.

The bounces we're getting look like this:

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at ourhost.com.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't
work out.

Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Dear all,

My qmail server works without any problem yesterday. But
Today, I found
my qmail server can't work anymore. This including all
email accounts
and all virtual domains, even I can't log into qmailadmin
The return message saying something like :

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at xxxxxx.com.
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't
work out.

Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

Can any one guide me to the right direction and tell me how
can I fix the problem?

Thanks in advanced.


Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Dixon Canario wrote:
> Dear all,
> My qmail server works without any problem yesterday. But
> Today, I found
> my qmail server can't work anymore. This including all
> email accounts
> and all virtual domains, even I can't log into qmailadmin
> The return message saying something like :
> Hi. This is the qmail-send program at xxxxxx.com.
> I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the
> following
> addresses.
> This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't
> work out.
> <sales@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)
> Can any one guide me to the right direction and tell me how
> can I fix the problem?
> Thanks in advanced.
> Regards,
> Dixon

What rc file do you use to initialize qmail and what does it look like?

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.


Nick (Keith) Fish wrote:

>> <sales@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

Have you verified that user accounts resolve in general -- i.e., if
you use an external authenticator, such as LDAP, is it functioning?

- -- 
David Talkington

PGP key: http://www.prairienet.org/~dtalk/dt000823.asc

Version: PGP 6.5.8
Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.75-6



We have a sporadic problem with qmail hanging and eventually timing out when
popping certain messages.  tcpdump shows that qmail is apparently not
handling the RETR command properly (see below).  Everything is fine until it
"OK"'s the RETR command from the client, but then it immediately follows
that with a FIN packet, terminating the connection.

If we move the offending hung message out of the Maildir/new directory, then
the client is able to pop the remaining messages.  If we put it back,
send/receive stalls again.  We can not see anything out of the ordinary in
the message itself, and, in fact, we are able to fetch it from other

Has anyone seen this before?  Why is qmail-pop3d/tcpserver terminating the
connection without sending the mail to the client?

tcpdump output
client > server: S 1646064:1646064(0)
server > client: S 2361285140:2361285140(0) ack 1646065
client > server: . 1:1(0) ack 1
server > client: P 1:46(45) ack 1       (+OK
client > server: P 1:15(14) ack 46      (user cmunson)
server > client: . 46:46(0) ack 15      (ack)
server > client: P 46:52(6) ack 15      (+OK )
client > server: P 15:29(14) ack 52     (pass cm2ns0n)
server > client: P 52:58(6) ack 29      (+OK )
client > server: P 29:35(6) ack 58      (STAT)
server > client: P 58:74(16) ack 35     (+OK 31 4646947)
client > server: P 35:41(6) ack 74      (UIDL)
server > client: P 74:80(6) ack 41      (+OK )
server > client: P 80:616(536) ack 41   (UIDL data...)
server > client: P 616:1073(457) ack 41 (more UIDL data...)
client > server: . 41:41(0) ack 616     (ack)
client > server: . 41:41(0) ack 1073    (ack)
server > client: P 1073:1332(259) ack 41(remaining UIDL data...)
client > server: P 41:50(9) ack 1332    (RETR 31)
server > client: P 1332:1338(6) ack 50  (+OK )
server > client: F 1338:1338(0) ack 50  (close connection)
client > server: . 50:50(0) ack 1339    (ack)
client > server: F 50:50(0) ack 1339    (close connection)
server > client: . 1339:1339(0) ack 51  (ack)

- qmail 1.0.3, w/tcpserver, vpopmail, etc.
- Outlook 2000 client.  Also seen it once with Eudora.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 04:43:09PM -0600, Carey Jung wrote:
> Hi,
> We have a sporadic problem with qmail hanging and eventually timing out when
> popping certain messages.  tcpdump shows that qmail is apparently not
> handling the RETR command properly (see below).  Everything is fine until it
> "OK"'s the RETR command from the client, but then it immediately follows
> that with a FIN packet, terminating the connection.

Who sends the FIN? The client or the server?

> If we move the offending hung message out of the Maildir/new directory, then
> the client is able to pop the remaining messages.  If we put it back,
> send/receive stalls again.  We can not see anything out of the ordinary in
> the message itself, and, in fact, we are able to fetch it from other
> clients.

Sounds like a client bug. There are plenty of them? What's the client
OS, what's the client program?

I've certainly seen plenty of clients gag on unusual content.


> Has anyone seen this before?  Why is qmail-pop3d/tcpserver terminating the
> connection without sending the mail to the client?
> tcpdump output
> --------------
> client > server: S 1646064:1646064(0)
> server > client: S 2361285140:2361285140(0) ack 1646065
> client > server: . 1:1(0) ack 1
> server > client: P 1:46(45) ack 1     (+OK
> client > server: P 1:15(14) ack 46    (user cmunson)
> server > client: . 46:46(0) ack 15    (ack)
> server > client: P 46:52(6) ack 15    (+OK )
> client > server: P 15:29(14) ack 52   (pass cm2ns0n)
> server > client: P 52:58(6) ack 29    (+OK )
> client > server: P 29:35(6) ack 58    (STAT)
> server > client: P 58:74(16) ack 35   (+OK 31 4646947)
> client > server: P 35:41(6) ack 74    (UIDL)
> server > client: P 74:80(6) ack 41    (+OK )
> server > client: P 80:616(536) ack 41         (UIDL data...)
> server > client: P 616:1073(457) ack 41 (more UIDL data...)
> client > server: . 41:41(0) ack 616   (ack)
> client > server: . 41:41(0) ack 1073  (ack)
> server > client: P 1073:1332(259) ack 41(remaining UIDL data...)
> client > server: P 41:50(9) ack 1332  (RETR 31)
> server > client: P 1332:1338(6) ack 50        (+OK )
> server > client: F 1338:1338(0) ack 50  (close connection)
> client > server: . 50:50(0) ack 1339    (ack)
> client > server: F 50:50(0) ack 1339    (close connection)
> server > client: . 1339:1339(0) ack 51  (ack)
> environment:
> -----------
> - qmail 1.0.3, w/tcpserver, vpopmail, etc.
> - Outlook 2000 client.  Also seen it once with Eudora.

Carey Jung scrive:

> Hi, 
> We have a sporadic problem with qmail hanging and eventually timing out when
> popping certain messages.  tcpdump shows that qmail is apparently not
> handling the RETR command properly (see below).  Everything is fine until it
> "OK"'s the RETR command from the client, but then it immediately follows
> that with a FIN packet, terminating the connection. 
> If we move the offending hung message out of the Maildir/new directory, then
> the client is able to pop the remaining messages.  If we put it back,
> send/receive stalls again.  We can not see anything out of the ordinary in
> the message itself, and, in fact, we are able to fetch it from other
> clients. 
> Has anyone seen this before?  Why is qmail-pop3d/tcpserver terminating the
> connection without sending the mail to the client?

Yes I saw it before :-(
I' having the same problem and not only with pop3, but also when sending an 
email with an attachment.
The transfer of the attach begin an the server send out a fin packet and 
drop the connection, sometimes happens immediatly sometimes after a little 
I saw it with outlook and outlook express, the mail server is behind a linux 
firewall. I made alot of investigation about this problem and it dont seem a 
network problem implicable to the firewall.
If you find a solution please let me know. 

Fabrizio Fresco 

> >
> > We have a sporadic problem with qmail hanging and eventually
> timing out when
> > popping certain messages.

I just saw this problem again.  Ran tcpdump and captured the pop-3
conversation below.  What's interesting is that client is only retrieving 1
message, instead of the 7 present.  The server sends the message, the client
acks it, but then doesn't request any more messages.  So, apparently the
server is waiting for the next command and not getting it.  On the other
hand, the client is apparently expecting more data, but not getting it, or
it's confused about how many messages it's received, so the client times out
and sends a FIN packet.


20:55:04.168387 < client > server: S 595822:595822(0)
20:55:04.168410 > server > client: S 1790652965:1790652965(0) ack 595823
20:55:04.356445 < client > server: . 1:1(0) ack 1
20:55:04.861660 > server > client: P 1:46(45) ack 1 [+OK
20:55:05.043873 < client > server: P 1:15(14) ack 46 [USER xxxxxxx]
20:55:05.043927 > server > client: . 46:46(0) ack 15 ack
20:55:05.044035 > server > client: P 46:52(6) ack 15 [+OK ]
20:55:05.211407 < client > server: P 15:26(11) ack 52 [PASS xxxxxxxx]
20:55:05.221566 > server > client: P 52:58(6) ack 26 [+OK ]
20:55:05.385687 < client > server: P 26:32(6) ack 58 [STAT]
20:55:05.385823 > server > client: P 58:72(14) ack 32 [+OK 7 123284]
20:55:05.727457 < client > server: P 32:38(6) ack 72 [UIDL]
20:55:05.727545 > server > client: P 72:78(6) ack 38 [+OK ]
20:55:05.727596 > server > client: P 78:366(288) ack 38 [UIDL data...]
20:55:05.961556 < client > server: . 38:38(0) ack 366
20:55:06.141839 < client > server: P 38:46(8) ack 366 [RETR 1]
20:55:06.141928 > server > client: P 366:372(6) ack 46 [+OK ]
20:55:06.142022 > server > client: P 372:908(536) ack 46 [536 bytes, message
1 data...]
20:55:06.142036 > server > client: P 908:1352(444) ack 46 [444 bytes,
message 1 data...]
20:55:06.142107 > server > client: P 1352:1888(536) ack 46 [536 bytes,
message 1 data...]
20:55:06.142119 > server > client: P 1888:2349(461) ack 46 [461 bytes,
message 1 data...]
20:55:06.142196 > server > client: P 2349:2885(536) ack 46 [536 bytes,
message 1 data...]
20:55:06.142208 > server > client: P 2885:3313(428) ack 46 [428 bytes,
message 1 data...]
20:55:06.679129 < client > server: . 46:46(0) ack 908
20:55:06.679162 > server > client: P 3313:3849(536) ack 46 [536 bytes,
message 1 data...]
20:55:06.687235 < client > server: . 46:46(0) ack 1888
20:55:06.869646 < client > server: . 46:46(0) ack 2885
20:55:07.024157 < client > server: . 46:46(0) ack 3849
20:55:07.024181 > server > client: P 3849:3851(2) ack 46 [2 bytes, message 1
20:55:07.573063 < client > server: . 46:46(0) ack 3851 [all data acked]
20:56:01.567188 < client > server: F 46:46(0) ack 3851 [client sends FIN]
20:56:01.567214 > server > client: . 3851:3851(0) ack 47
20:56:01.567419 > server > client: F 3851:3851(0) ack 47 [server sends FIN]
20:56:01.777954 < client > server: . 47:47(0) ack 3852


Is it possible in qmail if I want to have a copy for all the mail sent by
one of the user? example

all mails sent by the email address [EMAIL PROTECTED] will have an automatic
cc copy to [EMAIL PROTECTED]?

please help...


Title: bounce mail


my qmail server is running. however, i found that some sent mail are bounced back.
please attached the log of qmail.
the email content doesn't have any scripting, it is only text message
is there any settings to cause this?
is it the problem of the firewall in the remote side?
what is the possible causes?


========= here is the log from qmail =============
new msg 2725647
info msg 2725647: bytes 7744 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 11518 uid 0
starting delivery 559: msg 2725647 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: local 0/10 remote 6/255
delivery 555: success:
status: local 0/10 remote 5/255
end msg 2725638
delivery 557: success:[SMTPD]:_OK/
status: local 0/10 remote 4/255
end msg 2725641
delivery 554: success:[SMTPD]:_OK/
status: local 0/10 remote 3/255
end msg 2725622
delivery 556: success:,_completed/
status: local 0/10 remote 2/255
end msg 2725639
delivery 559: failure: Connected_to_203.184.222.2_but_sender_was_rejected./Remote_host_said:_553_Requested_action_not_taken:_mailbox_name_not_allowed/

status: local 0/10 remote 1/255
bounce msg 2725647 qp 11521
end msg 2725647
=========== end of log ========================

========= here is the log from qmail =============
new msg 2725647
info msg 2725647: bytes 7744 from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> qp 11518 uid 0
starting delivery 559: msg 2725647 to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED]
status: local 0/10 remote 6/255
delivery 555: success:
status: local 0/10 remote 5/255
end msg 2725638
delivery 557: success:[SMTPD]:_OK/
status: local 0/10 remote 4/255
end msg 2725641
delivery 554: success:[SMTPD]:_OK/
status: local 0/10 remote 3/255
end msg 2725622
delivery 556: success:,_completed/
status: local 0/10 remote 2/255
end msg 2725639
delivery 559: failure: Connected_to_203.184.222.2_but_sender_was_rejected./Remote_host_said:_553_Requested_action_not_taken:_mailbox_name_not_allowed/

status: local 0/10 remote 1/255
bounce msg 2725647 qp 11521
end msg 2725647
=========== end of log ========================


Starting qmail with 'qmail start' and get the
echo 'Starting qmail: svscan.'

The first time i started qmail like this, i wasnt aware of the problem.
The load was 0.00 and after 5 mins with qmail and svscan running, the load
was closing up to 10.00. -

Why ? This is a p133 and 64mb ram. Anyone?

Thanks! ;)


how can I make script like this if i am using perl :

if grep -i /usr/backup/erro $mysql
then echo to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've solved my earlier problem of getting my script to
output an encoded file to the mailwrapper. My only
problem is, I'm having real trouble getting mail
agents to see the attachment properly.

Using this script:


$fileout = `cat /home/www/schnarff/images/chili.jpg |
$bound = "---bound";

open (MAIL, "|/usr/bin/sendmail -t");
print MAIL "To: alexlefevre\@yahoo.com\n";
print MAIL "Mime-Version: 1.0\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
boundary=\"$bound\"; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n";
print MAIL "$bound\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed;
print MAIL "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n";
print MAIL "Here is the attachment!\n";
print MAIL "$bound\n";
print MAIL "Content-Type: image/jpg;
print MAIL "Content-Disposition: attachment;
print MAIL "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64";
print MAIL "$fileout";
close MAIL;

Mail goes to Yahoo just fine, which shows that there's
an attachment on the Inbox screen. When I try to
access the message, though, there's nothing there --
not even my text. What could be the problem? I'm
taking the content-type, etc. from mail I sent using


Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

Howdy Sportsfans !

Everything working fine, box is both BIND and qmail.

/var/qmail/control/me currently contains 'ns1.flashsys.com' which was
picked up by the config script at compile time.

For appearances sake in the headers I would like 'me' to contain
'mail.flashsys.com' instead.  Will I break anything if I edit the file?


Hello all,

I've got QMail running on a Redhat 7 machine, works fine delivering local
mail, but when I try and send mail out to the Internet, it never goes
anywhere. The /var/log/maillog records several error mesages from sendmail,
saying "Service unavailable". The first thing I thought was, what the hell
is sendmail doing with this! But then I see that QMail has sendmail in it's
install dir, so I'm assuming it's not "THE Sendmail", rather a helper util
named sendmail.

Is it just a helper, or is the Anti-Christ getting in there and trying to
take my mail away from QMail?



UNIX is user-friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are... 


On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 09:04:04PM -0800, Tyrone Mills wrote:
> The /var/log/maillog records several error mesages from sendmail,
> saying "Service unavailable".

Don't paraphrase. Just show us the actual log entries.


PGP signature

Thanks Chris,

You're right, I should have included the logs, but the machine couldn't
E-Mail... I was about to ftp them over when I realized the problem. I had a
bad hostname for the machine, as soon as I fixed it, it's happily sending
mail to the Internet.

Thanks for your time, sorry for the noise on the list.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2001 9:18 PM
To: Tyrone Mills
Subject: Re: New to Qmail, probably a stupid question...

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 09:04:04PM -0800, Tyrone Mills wrote:
> The /var/log/maillog records several error mesages from sendmail,
> saying "Service unavailable".

Don't paraphrase. Just show us the actual log entries.


> I've got QMail running on a Redhat 7 machine, works fine delivering local
> mail, but when I try and send mail out to the Internet, it never goes
> anywhere. The /var/log/maillog records several error mesages from
> saying "Service unavailable". The first thing I thought was, what the hell
> is sendmail doing with this! But then I see that QMail has sendmail in
> install dir, so I'm assuming it's not "THE Sendmail", rather a helper util
> named sendmail.


Please post the relevant sections of your logs to the mail list, so that the
qmail community can examine them and try to help you.

Thank you


----- Original Message -----
From: "Brad Dameron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Anyone have a good example of using the tcpserver rblsmtpd with qmail?
> I am currently using "/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -c 120 -D -x
> /mail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u 501 -g 500 0 smt
> p /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | /var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 3 &" as
> start line in my rc.local file.

I use a LWQ style - vpopmail enbabled supervised run script

# Note: concurrencyincoming is a feature of this script.
QMAILDUID=`id -u qmaild`
NOFILESGID=`id -g qmaild`
MAXSMTPD=`cat /var/qmail/control/concurrencyincoming`
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 4000000 \
tcpserver -v -p -x /home/vpopmail/etc/tcp.smtp.cdb -c "$MAXSMTPD" \
-u "$QMAILDUID" -g "$NOFILESGID" 0 smtp \
/usr/local/bin/rblsmtpd \
-r relays.orbs.org \
-r rbl.maps.vix.com \
-r blackholes.mail-abuse.org \
-r dialups.mail-abuse.org \
-r 'relays.mail-abuse.org:Open relay problem - see
<URL:http://www.mail-abuse.org/cgi-bin/nph-rss?%IP%>' \
qmail-smtpd 2>&1

Hope this helps

Rick Up

Hello All
Excuse me if this question has been repeated a lot of times...
I've install qmail from memphis rpms. also VPOPMAIL 4.9.8-1
How can I know how many concurrent qmail deliveries are taking place on my qmail server, both qmail-local and qmail-remote
I have applied the qmail-concurrent-patch, and big-todo-patch
There is no concurrencylocal and concurrencyremote presently in /var/qmail/control
If the default is 10 for concurrencylocal and 20 for concurrency remote (which lwq says)....what would be the safe number to increase this to on my PIII 800 , 512 MB RAM, IDE hard disk handling about 500 virtual domains.
I hope that some one helps me to clear my doubts.

OK, I'm going round in circles with this one ... help!

I have a server which has real users on it: user1, user2, user3.
They all have Maildirs set up for them.

The server is known as domain1.com, domain2.com and domain3.com
"control/me" is "domain1.com".

I want these to work:

   user1 at domain1.com
   user2 at domain2.com
   user3 at domain3.com

but I want all OTHER combinations to be bounced!

Obviously (?) I can't put anything in the "control/locals" file,
because whatever I put in there appears to activate ALL the 
local user accounts for that domain.

So I put something like this in the control/virtualdomains file:


and in ~alias I made files like this:


But what do I put in these files?  I tried putting this sort of thing,
as per the manual:

  eg ~alias/.qmail-domain-user2:

but I get "Unable_to_chdir_to_maildir" errors.  I also tried just 


but I get "Sorry,_no_mailbox_here_by_that_name" errors, because I guess
it's looking for a .qmail-domain1-user2 alias ... 

So what should I be doing?

### Martin Dougiamas     ###
### http://dougiamas.com ###

        I'm new to the qmail. I made it running, I set up vpopmail with mysql,
so I can receive mails for multiple domains and users can read their
mails. After first troubles and disapointment I realized that qmail is
simply great.
        But I still has one problem. I cannot send e-mails via qmail-smtp to
non-local domains, I get back the error message 
553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)

        So I need to set up relaying. I looked to the FAQ, HOWTO, Docs, ... but
found no answer (maybe I search badly). I have following settings (see
below). I want to allow all our clients (using our IP blocks) to use

        Next thing I want to ask - does the qmail rebuild the 'cdb' files
automatically after service restart? As far as I found, it seems to me
that it doesn't.


this one is from qmail distro
# cat /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.rules 
this one is from vpopmail distro
# cat /var/qmail/virtual/etc/tcp.smtp 
# cat /var/qmail/service/smtpd/run 
. /usr/share/qmail/run-functions

# If rblsmtpd is installed, process rbltimeout rbldomains, and
if [ -x /usr/bin/rblsmtpd ]; then
        readdefault domains antirbldomains ""
        for domain in $domains; do
                rblopts="$rblopts -a $domain"
        readdefault domains rbldomains ""
        for domain in $domains; do
                rblopts="$rblopts -r $domain"
        readdefault timeout rbltimeout 60
        if [ -n "$rblopts" ]; then
                rbl="/usr/bin/rblsmtpd -t $timeout $rblopts"

# Start daemons.
readdefault concurrency concurrencysmtpd 20

exec envuidgid qmaild \
tcpserver -DRUvX -c "$concurrency" -l "`head -1 /var/qmail/control/me`"
        -x /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.cdb 0 smtp \
        fixcrio $rbl qmail-smtpd

Martin Edlman
Fortech s.r.o, Litomysl
Public PGP key: http://edas.visaci.cz/#keys


Martin Edlman wrote:
> Hello,
>         I'm new to the qmail. I made it running, I set up vpopmail with mysql,
> so I can receive mails for multiple domains and users can read their
> mails. After first troubles and disapointment I realized that qmail is
> simply great.
>         But I still has one problem. I cannot send e-mails via qmail-smtp to
> non-local domains, I get back the error message
> 553 sorry, that domain isn't in my list of allowed rcpthosts (#5.7.1)
>         So I need to set up relaying. I looked to the FAQ, HOWTO, Docs, ... but
> found no answer (maybe I search badly). I have following settings (see
> below). I want to allow all our clients (using our IP blocks) to use
> smtp.
>         Next thing I want to ask - does the qmail rebuild the 'cdb' files
> automatically after service restart? As far as I found, it seems to me
> that it doesn't.
> Regards,
> Martin

if i am right, the next setting is for smtp

so change it like this: you have to allow all your local ip blocks to
if you have these networks for exapmle:

and they are local for you so make an entry

so you will relay mails but only for your local ip addresses.

hope i could help you :-)

cu ycae

> -------
> this one is from qmail distro
> # cat /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.rules
> :allow
> -------
> this one is from vpopmail distro
> # cat /var/qmail/virtual/etc/tcp.smtp
> 127.0.0.:allow,RELAYCLIENT=""
> -------
> # cat /var/qmail/service/smtpd/run
> #!/bin/sh
> . /usr/share/qmail/run-functions
> # If rblsmtpd is installed, process rbltimeout rbldomains, and
> antirbldomains
> if [ -x /usr/bin/rblsmtpd ]; then
>         readdefault domains antirbldomains ""
>         for domain in $domains; do
>                 rblopts="$rblopts -a $domain"
>         done
>         readdefault domains rbldomains ""
>         for domain in $domains; do
>                 rblopts="$rblopts -r $domain"
>         done
>         readdefault timeout rbltimeout 60
>         if [ -n "$rblopts" ]; then
>                 rbl="/usr/bin/rblsmtpd -t $timeout $rblopts"
>         fi
> fi
> # Start daemons.
> readdefault concurrency concurrencysmtpd 20
> do_ulimits
> exec envuidgid qmaild \
> tcpserver -DRUvX -c "$concurrency" -l "`head -1 /var/qmail/control/me`"
> \
>         -x /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.cdb 0 smtp \
>         fixcrio $rbl qmail-smtpd
> ------
> Martin Edlman
> Fortech s.r.o, Litomysl
> Public PGP key: http://edas.visaci.cz/#keys

Yves Caetano
Server Support Engineer
Tel: 295383 254
Fax: 295383 222
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.incotech.lu

I make script like this to send me email when there's no 200 ...
the truth is it's work fine ..
but when i am using crontab -e and put this line :

0,20,40 * * * * /home/essy/public_html/perl/httpresponse

it's send me hundred and more email to me ... 

here's the script :

perl /home/essy/public_html/perl/http -r www.ojolali.com > hasil1;
grep -i 200 /home/essy/public_html/perl/hasil1 > /usr/backup/error1;
until grep -i 200 /usr/backup/error1; do
echo To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject

Reply via email to