So a week ago one of my employees sent out 7000 emails to one person
instead of sending out one email to 7000 people. I caught it in the middle
of sending, shut down qmail and grepped the queue to find all files
containing the person's address and I deleted them.
        Two days ago someone in my company who gets a few thousand emails a day is
starts having problems with his pop connectivity so I check the logs and see
ALOT of these messages

Mar 23 14:33:16 mail qmail: 985375996.490311 warning: trouble opening
local/15/1008289; will try again later

Mar 23 14:37:36 mail qmail: 985376256.008630 warning: unable to utime
local/17/1008268; message will be retried too soon

The guys has 5 pop connections open, using almost all the server's CPU.
There is a bunch of messages in the queue that are addressed to various
people but mostly him.

qmail-qstat, shows
messages in queue: 392
messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 385

qmail-qread, shows only 10 or so messages which is what it's usually at
(small company)

I ran qmail-clean (what exactly does that do anyway?), and now there are no
messages in /var/qmail/queue/local , but there are alot in ~queue/todo and

I'm guessing the answer is "Your queue is fucked, `rm -rf /var/qmail/queue`
then `make setup check` Any other ideas?


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