"Basic guide for newbies:  if for some reason you think it is easier to just
post your FAQ to the mailing list, rather than reading the documentation,
where it is clearly answered, you need to a) grow up, and b) get a clue."

I think the most important thing is this write-up is ".... where it is
clearly answered... ".

I have read most document 20-30 times and seldom find them " clearly
answered ". Some of you who are annoyed, please consider:

(1) someone who is starting NEW needs little bit extra help then "f'ing" in
(2) I have seen posting from Spain, Germany, etc. Such individuals has
English as their second language. 

I was going to add few more.. but decided to leave it only to above.


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Cazabon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: Tcpserver - GONE A BIT FAR ...

> Those that do not RTFM (read the F'ing manual) sometimes do not have the
> time or the knowhow on where to find it - and that is why we have a
> mailing list - so we can ask others that know - and stop this needless
> bickering and band together.

No.  Those that do not have the "knowhow" on where to find the fucking
(in the tarball with the source code!  what an idea!) shouldn't be running
computers at all, let alone an MTA on the internet.

We have a mailing list so that we can investigate trouble reports from
users who have already read (and understood) the documentation, but are
running into situations not covered in it, and so that we can discuss
possible solutions to complicated problems.

Basic guide for newbies:  if for some reason you think it is easier to just
post your FAQ to the mailing list, rather than reading the documentation,
where it is clearly answered, you need to a) grow up, and b) get a clue.

Charles Cazabon                            <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

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