On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 11:03:08PM +0600, Pradeep Tapase wrote:
> Dear
> I just newly installed Qmail on one server. But in this I was not able to get 
> BCC mails from any externel account such as yahoo or hotmail, but i can receive 
> localy. In qmail i configured it for Mailbox format. If any one can help in 
> this regards. if any one suggest me to configure procmail to receive BCC mail. 
> To fetchmail from our web server we uses fetchmail.
> In fetchmail I doesn't uses any mda to transfer mail. fetchmail deliver mail to 
> SMTP port.
If You use fetchmail to pop mail from yahoo or hotmail and feed it to
localhost:25, this is an fetchmail issue. fetchmail must parse additional
header information added by hotmail's or yahoo's MTA.
Please ask Yout question in a fetchmail support forum.


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