Leni Mayo writes:
 > I'm thinking along the lines of the apache "BindAddress" keyword,
 > so qmail would only use a specific ip address when listening and
 > as a source address for outbound connections.

Sean showed how you can use tcpserver for listening.  For outbound,
you need to use the following patch.

href="http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Markus
Stumpf</a> has a <a
href="http://www.lamer.de/maex/creative/software/qmail/">pair of qmail
patches</a>, one to cause qmail-smtpd to log its disposition of mail,
and another to convince qmail-remote to use a fixed IP address other
than the one you get without binding to an address.  Andy Repton has
ported the <a href="outgoingip.patch">fixed IP address</a> patch to
qmail 1.03.  Damir Cifer has better instructions for his <a

-russ nelson will be speaking at http://www.osdn.com/conferences/brie/
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