
        I have recently replaced sendmail in an OpenBSD 2.8 box. Since Qmail is a 
package I did install it that way. Then I proceed to read the INSTALL.xxxx 
that I was supposed to. 

        Apparently it's working perfectly. Local mail works using mail command line 
tool. From internet to [EMAIL PROTECTED] works also. I can send through my 
smtp two...

        Now the question is: I did configured qmail to use $user/Mailbox and created 
a symbolic link to /var/mail/user. 
        Do I have to do this for each user on my system??? I'm planning to handle 
+100 pop users (i haven't configured pop nor checkpassword yet)

        Is there a better way to accomplish this??? I didn't create the users yet. 
Frankly I did not understand 100% what INSTALL.mailbox did mean, or what is 
the difference between maildir or mbox... I reread all FAQs but either I am 
stupid (probably) or I am missing something.

        A little hand will be appreciated if it helps me to understand what is the 
best way to accomplish this kind of task (that is having 100 users and not 
having to ln manually each mailbox)

        Thanks in advance,

Martin Marconcini
                        | Unix, MS-DOS, Windows.
                        | Also known as The Good, The Bad
                        | And the Ugly...

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