hantunes wrote:
> hi
> is there a way to bypass the queue?
> i just want recive and validate emails using spam-control patch and then send it to 
>antivirus running
> on localhost:port  that then sends the emails to internal macines connected to  big 
>fibre storage systemis.
> i am searching for 100 msgs second average using dual pIII system
> i have  put it to work on linux  OS but qmail gets al the chrge and starts queueing
> i know the internal machines are always there in fact there are a lot off machines 
>wating for this trafic but not qmails ..
> Any ideias
> any help
> Thanks
> hantunes

Qmail is entirely based upon the queue system of messaging so I'm not
entirely sure why you'd want to attempt to bypass that.  Your other
options here are:

A.) Run another copy of qmail; or
B.) Run qmail on a separate machine entirely dedicated to this

Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

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