On Thu, Apr 12, 2001 at 04:16:01PM -0700, Steven Katz wrote:
> My test messages are bouncing with the following error:
>    Hi. This is the qmail-send program at ip162.mydomain.com.
>    I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following 
>    addresses.
>    This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
>    Sorry. Although I'm listed as a best-preference MX or A for that 
>    host, it isn't in my control/locals file, so I don't treat it as 
>    local. (#5.4.6)

This is very straightforward -- put 'mydomain.com' in locals. (But see
> This probably has something to do with the way qmail detected my 
> hostname compared to my DNS configuration:
>                    MX      10 mail.mydomain.com.
>    mail            CNAME   myhostname
>    myhostname      A       myIP
>    ip162           A       myIP

A few issues with this -- 1. This is _not_ your DNS configuration. Don't
lie to the list -- mydomain.com exists, and does not have DNS anything
like this. This is a public mailserver, with public DNS entries -- what
do you gain by mangling data? 2. Never point MX at a CNAME. Feel free to
create a CNAME called mail.mydomain.com, but point the MX at a FQDN with
an A record, like so (in BINDspeak):

                                        MX              10      myhostname.mydomain.com
        myhostname              A               myIP
        ip162                   A               myIP
        mail                    CNAME   myhostname

>What would qmail like to see in the locals file? I tried replacing 
> ip162 with myhostname, as well as simply using mydomain, but in both 
> cases, ip162.mydomain.com appeared at the top of the bounce (above). 
> Where does it get that from?

I've never violated the RFCs and pointed MX at CNAME, so I don't know
what this might be doing to your mail setup. At any rate, in every setup
I've ever done, every A record gets and entry in locals or
virtualdomains -- all of them. As for why ip162 appears in the bounce,
examine the contents of /var/qmail/control/me -- I'll bet your answer is

> Thanks again for any help offered.
> Steven
You're welcome. :)
Greg White
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable.
                -- John F. Kennedy

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