At 7:09 AM -0700 4/13/01, Paul Makepeace wrote:
>  > Matt Harrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>    Has anyone successfully installed qmail on Mac OSX public beta?  i get
>  >   this far:

If by "public beta" you mean release, yes.  It's a royal pain but it 
can be done.

>  >
>>  Remove "-s" from conf-ld, or try changing it to "-x".
>[During the course of this email I actually got this to compile. Patch
>at the end]
>What are you hoping -x will do? Unfortunately this doesn't work on
>OS X 10.0:
>cc: language qmail-pop3d not recognized
>% grep cc conf-ld
> can't find the struct:
>./load qmail-pop3d commands.o case.a timeoutread.o \
>timeoutwrite.o maildir.o prioq.o now.o env.a strerr.a sig.a \
>open.a getln.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a \
>fs.a  `cat socket.lib`
>/usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
>..which is odd, 'cos it's (apparently) there:

Mac OS X's ld, which is not GNU ld, is *horrible* at handling static 
libraries.  In conf-ld, you should put "cc -all_load", which helps 
get you through most of the problems.  But eventually you'll need to 
add a "alloc.a" to the end a bunch of the build instructions in the 
Makefile for various programs.

The other problem I had seems to be related to HFS+, which, 
unfortunately, seems to be the only type of filesystem you can 
reliably install OS X on.  I let the installation go into /var/qmail, 
which of course is on my Mac OS X HFS+ partition.  It worked for a 
while, but then I started getting

deferral: Unable_to_find_alias_user!

in the logs.  Of course, the qmail users all existed. (Putting all 
the users and groups properly into NetInfo was the hardest part of 
this process.)  On a hunch, I moved /var/qmail to my UFS partition 
and it's worked flawlessly since.

>% nm strerr.a | grep strerr_sys
>00000010 C _strerr_sys
>00000000 T _strerr_sysinit
>          U _strerr_sysinit
>Well, this patch seemed to work. (Why it needs initializing I have no idea)
>% diff -u strerr_sys-orig.c strerr_sys.c
>--- strerr_sys-orig.c   Fri Apr 13 07:05:19 2001
>+++ strerr_sys.c        Fri Apr 13 07:04:40 2001
>@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
>  #include "error.h"
>  #include "strerr.h"
>-struct strerr strerr_sys;
>+struct strerr strerr_sys = {0,0,0,0};
>  int a_random_variable;
>  void strerr_sysinit()

Paul J. Schinder
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 693

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