On Sat, Apr 14, 2001 at 02:48:03PM -0400, Rehan Zaidi wrote:
> Thanks to Mark and David for the quick replies.  The problem was that the
> scripts weren't executable.  I assumed that they didn't need to be because
> SMTP and send seemed to be working fine, and the permissions for those run
> scripts didn't include execution.

Then they didn't run. Most likely what /is/ running is a script you
started manually. See my thoughts on your next question.

> Next question... Supervise is using 95+% of the CPU on the system (RedHat
> 7.0) when qmail is running and 80-90% when it's not.  Is that normal?

No. But if a script for qmail-smtp, for instance, was already running,
then the "run" script's attempt to start tcpserver is failing
continuously and continuously trying to restart. Check your logs -
you'll probably find a message from tcpserver that it can't bind to port
25 because it's already in use.


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