On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 06:49:44PM -0700, Michael Werneke wrote:
> I compiled qmail from source on a RedHat 6.2 Alpha processor box.
> qmail is running supervised and tcpserver is handling the tcp connections.
> pop3d is the chosen pop server and is also supervised.
> This had worked flawlessly until today.
> Now pop connections are accepted, but then timeout.
> After I first noticed this, I added /usr/local/bin/fixcrio to my tcpserver
> invocations for smptd and pop3d.

I don't think fixcrio will do anything for qmail-pop3d.

> Even after a restart of all the associated daemons, pop3 connections keep
> timing out.

What client are you connecting with? Is it made by Microsoft? If you telnet to
port 110 and do a manual POP session, what happens?


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