>From http://cr.yp.to/qmail/faq/reliability.html#backups:

>How do I back up and restore the queue disk? 
>Answer: You can't. 
>One difficulty is that you can't get a consistent snapshot of the
>queue while qmail-send is running.

Stop qmail first. And kick off all the users to prevent new messages
from being added to the queue.

>Another difficulty is that messages in the queue must have filenames
>that match their inode numbers.

Run queue-fix after restoring.

>However, the big problem is that backups---even hourly backups!---are
>far too unreliable for mail. If your disk dies, there will be very
>little overlap between the messages saved in the last backup and the
>messages that were lost.

Restoring an old queue will probably result in redelivering some
messages, but it will recover long-undeliverable messages. To me, a
few duplicates are worth it to recover lost messages.

>There are several ways to add real reliability to a mail server.
>Battery backups will keep your server alive, letting you park the
>disk to avoid a head crash, when the power goes out. Solid-state
>disks have their own battery backups. RAID boxes let you replace dead
>disks without losing any data.

Yes, UPS's and disks are cheap.


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