* Ruprecht Helms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hi, I have trouble understanding that you mean.

No. You are trying to be a particularly Good German(tm). The only thing
more embarrassing than a Funny German is quite possibly a Good German,

>> ..., but there are nicer ways to be a Nazi than this...

> Sorry but this seems for my you are thinking not bad over rassism and
> the things, that were done in the time from 1993 to 1945.

Get a life, tree-hugger:

> If it is so, this mailinglist is the wrong place to say such
> things. In germany the isp have to cancel the internetconnection from
> a user if the hear that the user is providing neonazistic stuff and
> postings that contains material like that.

Don't meddle in the affairs of wiza^Wpolitical scientists, Ruprecht. You
are wrong, and - what's worse - you know it. But, eh, you kinda invoked
Godwin, and that's good.
Robin S. Socha 
http://my.gnus.org/ - To boldly frobnicate what no newbie has grokked before.

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