On Mon, Apr 30, 2001 at 12:38:04PM -0700, David Chait wrote:
>                                    #1 being Qmail must be able to rewrite
> the headers of outgoing mail so that it all looks to be coming from
> bonair.stanford.edu instead of fops-monitor.stanford.edu.

qmail doesn't rewrite any headers. Either the users' MUAs must be
configured to use the correct From: header or to use no From: header at
all. If the latter is chosen, qmail will construct the From: header from
the user name, which it finds in QMAILUSER, MAILUSER, USER, or LOGNAME,
whichever comes first, and the contents of .../control/defaulthost.

>                                                       #2 being I cannot seem
> to get this autoresponder working properly, on our current machine
> (sendmail), the vacation program seems to function fine, though under Qmail
> when I tried it, it started a massive message loop.

vacation doesn't work with qmail. Visit http://www.qmail.org/ and search
for vacation or autoresponder. People tend to recommend the one from
Bruce Guenter.

* * * | 1) It's SLOW!    --> "man tcpserver" - especially -R,-H,-l
qmail | 2) Roaming users --> http://www.lifewithqmail.org/lwq.html#relaying
 FAQS | 3) Secondary MX  --> list in rcpthosts, NOT in locals/virtualdomains
* * * | 4) Discard mail  --> "#" line ONLY, in appropriate .qmail file

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