
         I have patched Qmail 1.03 with the Frederik Vermeulen's patch for 
SSL and works: encripts the messages I send from my Eudora to may Qmail

         I have patched Qmail 1.03 with the qmail-smtpd-auth-0.26 and also
works: I can send messages to recipients outside my server if I 
authenticate with Qmail-smtp (using Cram-md5 with my Eudora).

         But when I tried to apply the two patches to Qmail sources (first 
the TLS patch and then the AUTH), the second patch rejects parts of the
AUTH patch. I tried to apply manually the parts of the patch that
were rejected, but the resultant qmail-smtp didn't allow authenticate
nor encript.

         Anyone has applied the two patches correctly or can make Qmail
support TLS and SMTP AUTH?


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