On Sun, May 06, 2001 at 08:42:10AM -0700, D . Cook wrote:
> Hi all,
> I can't find the syntax for /var/qmail/control in the manual.  Please
> bear with me.

As said, try 'man qmail-control'.
> What's the syntax for allowing all by default in rcpthosts and only
> selected hosts are banned?  Something like
> allow all
> reject *.online-sex.com

Are you really sure this is what you want to do? Setting up a domain in
rcpthosts means 'I want to recieve mail _for_ this domain', not 'I want
to recieve mail _from_ this domain'. If one could actually set up
rcpthosts the way you are asking, you would be placed in ORBS and RSS
faster than you could say 'open relay'. This is a Very Bad Idea(tm).

If you need assistance with selective relay, start here:


You can 'ban' the sites you want by IP address using ':deny' in place of
':allow' in tcprules. You can ban specific envelope senders with
/var/qmail/control/badmailfrom. There are also some spamcontrol patches,


> Thanks.
NP. I noticed the first reply to your message mentioned the spamcontrol
patches, but did not point out the implied error in your thinking.
Please feel free to flame away if I misunderstood your question, but it
does imply a misunderstanding of the nature of 'rcpthosts' and selective
relay. HTH,

Greg White
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable.
                -- John F. Kennedy

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