Hello all ,

I am having a problem with my qmail server and maybe you could help solving my problem

or give me a little hint of how to solve my own problem .

Problem Description :


I am sending mail from my internal network to the outside world and the server hold the messages in the queue for a long time until it sends the message .

When I say alot of time I mean a text message with no attachments takes about 10-20 minutes to leave  my queue and get back to me if i send my self a message to test the system through my parent MX server .

My network configuration is that I have one major domain which has an MX that routes all the

mails to my sub domain mail server , for example :


domain.com contains MX yyy.domain.com  --> this is my primary domain .

fff.domain.com is a subdomain to domain.com and  hold my local mail server fff.domain.com .

all messages going to domain.com and needs to be forwarded to fff.domain.com are forwarded to the @fff.domain.com .


MY Qmail Configuration :

concurrencylocal : 100



My Mail server is a client dns and contains all the clients in /etc/hosts .

I noticed that a problem could occure with auth service so i fixed it to !!

I am using in my smtpd run script the rbl  lists as a wrapper like in dan bernstein howto .


So what could be the problem why the mail takes so long to be sent out ???

I would really appriciate the help and if more info is needed please let me know .

Regards ,

Nissim . 

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