On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 09:33:56AM -0500, John Hogan wrote:
> i was, in a former life, a sysadmin for a major-league list-hosting outfit...
> no way, no how - don't believe them... it's not possible to float two 
> 'copies' of the message, with reception being dependent on the user's MUA 

Well, that is, apart from multipart/alternative. Not supported on all
MUAs, but it's one way to do it.

As an aside, I believe that AOL mail does support HTML, but the idea
of doing content on a domain is pretty flawed.


> (very difficult to detect on MTA 'send') - also, a lot depends on the 
> end-user's reader -- that's possible to detect (difficult) and absolutely 
> impossible to predict
> set up two lists: html-listname and text-listname - have your users state 
> their preference when they subscribe
> - hogan
> At 08:49 AM 5/9/2001, Meuse, Andy wrote:
> >Hey All,
> >
> >         Is there a way anyone knows of to send one email in both html and 
> > plain text format? This is so the recipient will get the html version if 
> > their mua supports it, and the plain text version if it doesn't.
> >
> >         I know of a service that does this, www.roving.com, but don't 
> > know of a way to do it myself. Except scripting my mailing list to send 
> > only plain text to like AOl and other domains I know don't support html.
> >
> >Thanks,
> >Andy
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