"Michael Geier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I am running qmail on:
>       RedHat 6.2
>       256 Mb Ram
>I set concurrency remote = 150...
>however, most of the time, it seems like only a handful of remote processes
>are running, even though the queue backs up (right now, over 14000 msgs in
>queue and only 20 remote processes running)...

Are you sure concurrencyremote is set to 150? You restarted qmail-send
after changing it? The logs reflect the 150 setting?

>Anybody have an idea about how to force it to run faster

Faster disk
More memory
Faster network
Replace syslog with multilog
Install djbdns, run dnscache
Kill non-qmail processes
Faster CPU

>or at least not kill off my qmail-remote processes?

What makes you think qmail-remote processes are being killed off?


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