Thanks to Adrian Ho and Mark Jefferys explanations for the solution. Adrian 
you were halfway there with your first reply and Mark's link pointed me in 
the right direction to track down the problem. The TZ setting was GMT +2 
which apparently means actually the box was calculating GMT **minus 2 
hours**. That seems logical?! I had selected Amsterdam during installation 
of Redhat but obviously had changed it sometime thereafter during setup and 
testing of qmail. Obviously from the above I was not aware of the counter 
intuitiveness of Posix time zones!!

I just wanted to point out a couple of things also to the list:

  1) I *had* already read through the *complete* thread on this topic not 
wanting to rehash an old issue *before* I posted the question to the list 
but I did not determine that there was a clear explanation of the topic. I 
was aware of the discussion re: the Date: field. That's why I specifically 
mentioned that my MUA inserted it, however some persons simply erroneously 
jumped on that topic again. In my case it was nothing to do with the Date: 
  2) I recall that the discussion about this in the archive went on for 
*much* longer than this thread and still then there was no clear clean 
answer. This obviously is a point of potential confusion that perhaps one of 
the more experienced qmail members could write a FAQ about. DJB's document - gives information but is not ideally suited 
to a FAQ type of document.
  3) If this list is for technical questions regarding qmail then you are 
going to get people *starting* with qmail, and yes... maybe even starting 
with Linux. And that means starters questions. If we are going to follow 
DJB's wish to spread the use of qmail then you are going to get more of 
those types of questions...
  4) And finally - On Sun, 13 May 2001, Peter van Dijk wrote:
>I say we stop this thread. The user's box is misconfigured and he's
>failing to see why UTC in headers is good. Let it be.
Gee thanks Peter - you are the list owner are you? I believe your politeness 
is misconfigured. I'd like to point out that you didn't provide an answer, 
in fact you said...

>>*Linux box*
>>[root@linuxbox patrick]# date
>>Sun May 13 17:02:55 GMT+2 2001 - Check


So you didn't pick up on the incorrect TZ setting. Of course we all 
suspected something was (possibly) wrong with my Linux box, even I was 
saying that! What we were looking for was a solution or a pointer to the 
solution. Perhaps this list *should* be moderated.

Thanks again everyone esp. Adrian & Mark.

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