On Mon, May 14, 2001 at 09:04:46AM +0300, Martín Marqués wrote:
> In my times with sendmail I used to have an acount that had a .forward like 
> this in my $HOME dir at domain1:
> ##### CUT HERE ###############
> martin@domain1
> martin@domain2
> ##### CUT HERE ###############
> So all my mail staid on my acount on domain1, but I had a copy in domain2.
> Now, how do I do this with qmail, because when I put a .qmail on my home with 
> the 2 addresses (with the &), it delivers it to martin@domain2,

Local delivery, by the time it gets to your .qmail file, should be to a
Maildir or a mbox-type mailbox. Check your default delivery method (it
is specified somehow on the command line for starting qmail-send), and
try _something like_ the following:




Greg White
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent
revolution inevitable.
                -- John F. Kennedy

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