   We've got a POP3 setup working just fine, but there is a desire to
add IMAP servers so that web mail might be added also.  The problem
I see is that users will be making misc new subdir's in their Maildir
on the same level as new and cur, such as stuff_from_joe, spam, whatever.

So I've been asked to munge up qmail-pop3d so it can pull mail from
all these potential directories, not just new and cur, just in case that
decides to use our POP3 server at a later date to check mail.

Think this would be a major undertaking?

Snooping around qmail-pop3d.c I see a call to maildir_scan which seems
to look in new and cur for mail during its getlist process.  Perhaps I could
have that code first do a lookup for other directories besides new and cur
(and tmp) and loop through that list of directories looking for mail to give
to getlist.

Am I just making a mess of things here?  Is there an easier way to do this?

Thanks for any thoughts, good or bad.

Michael Boyiazis
Mail Architect, NetZero, Inc.

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