On 18 May 2001, John R. Levine wrote:

> Any chance it's coming from formmail.pl or a similar insecure CGI?
> That seems a lot more likely than spam sneaking in via SMTP.

        Actually, that thought just occured to me this morning. I was
talking with the other person who has access to the system and he
mentioned that the only "anonymous" address he ever saw was from a
formmail script. I have an altered one that allows those I've blocked to
contact me (i.e. relays, spammers, scanners) when their email won't
otherwise get through.

        Since the form creates email on the system, qmail would not block
the outbound "relay." Unfortunately, I might not be able to get to this
until next week. Fortunately, it seems to have been a one time occurance.
However, I now have something to go on that sounds reasonable, and it's a
good idea for others to check their setups, too.


Roger Walker                         <http://www.rat-hole.com>
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