On Sun, May 20, 2001 at 06:26:36PM -0300, Alexandre Gonçalves Jacarandá wrote:
> Hi again!!!
> I follow some tips, but I can get fetchmail working with qmail. But now 
> I will give more details...
> I installed qmail following Life with qmail and it's working.
> I configured Mailbox delivery in my system and I've ISP that use 
> sendmail and when I tried to fetch mail mails this error occurs:
> client/server synchronization error.
> My fetchmailrc is:
> # Configuration created Sun May 20 18:04:12 2001 by fetchmailconf
> set postmaster "alex"
> set bouncemail
> set properties ""
> poll pop3.superonda.com.br with proto POP3
>       user 'clark_vr' there with password 'xxxxxx' is alex here options 
> forcecr dropdelivered warnings 3600
>    antispam 571 550 501 554
> Thanks, Alexandre Gonçalves Jacarandá

This is no doubt a fetcmail <-> popserver issue and has nothing to do
with qmail, but try running fetchmail with the option that gives
debugging output. The fetchmail manpage tells you which option.


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