At 09:56 22.05.01 +0200, Mohamed Ould wrote:
>1- I'm using Qmail following LWQ of Dave Sill with
>a Relay in DMZ + Server in LAN.
>I want now to tell Relay machine to send mails of certains users  to
>any machine lying anwhere (in DMZ, LAN or Internet), instead to
>sending them always to my LAN-server.
>How I can do this?
>Is this needs to install Qmail, create new user's account on machines?

A good way is to use virtual domains. In webmin there is an external module 
for qmail to handle virtual domains.

>2- Sendmail demon was installed by default on all my machines, it
>allowing me before
>to send mails for root or user ( logs, alert, etc...). I deinstallating
>it, but as a result mail can't be sent now.

You have to make a symbolic link to the sendmail of qmail. Much programs 
are looking for sendmail and you have to place the link on the old place of 

>What to do in order to allow machines in DMZ or LAN  where Qmail is
>not installed to just sent messages like alert, logs, etc. to root
>account or any other user?

On the DMZ i prefere to install qmail because of security. On the hosts
in the dmz there should be disabled all services that are not needed. Think 
about good rules for the firewall. In ipchains you have three chains the 
input chain, the forward chain and the outputchain. You can build rules 
such good-bad, dmz-bad, dmz-good,...

>I'm heared about a qmail-client, or a particular installation of
>sendmail or you are looking in a searchengine for postfix or 


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