* Todd Finney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010522 01:09]:
> I thought about that, but it isn't really an ezmlm question 
> anymore.  There doesn't seem to be an example on using qmail-queue 
> anywhere.  It seems to me that there probably should be.

Fair enough.

> >So make ezmlm-reject omit that behavior. `man ezmlm-reject`
> And give up the spam protection that this provides?  No thanks :).

There are ways of emulating this sort of spam protection with ezmlm-issubn;
a couple have been mentioned on the ezmlm list. Check the archives at

> >Eek, why not invoke ezmlm-send for each list? `man ezmlm-send` No need 
> >to
> >mess with qmail-queue, I don't think.
> Yea, that sounds nice, but there isn't an example of using that outside 
> of a .qmail file, either.   I'd think that
> tfinney]$ cat ./list_monthly_announcement.txt | 
> /usr/local/bin/ezmlm/ezmlm-send /home/list/test/
> would work, but no dice.

That is indeed the syntax. I'm still pretty convinced that this is the best
way to do this; you might want to look into why that doesn't work,
regardless of any other solution.

> > > >I created my message file, message.txt, and my envelope file
> > > >envelope.txt.  AFAIK, they're in the correct format.
> I tried three different formats.  I believe the first is correct, but I 
> saw a few mentioning of the other two, and tried them.  I saw no 
> difference in running the script with any of them.
> \0\0

This should be:


Is that what you meant?

> > > >open \*STDIN,  "<&MSG";
> > > >open \*STDOUT, "<&ENV";
> >
> >Er, off the top of my head, you want to reverse that wokka, since 
> >STDOUT is
> >an output stream. Like:
> >
> >   open \*STDIN,  "<&MSG";
> >   open \*STDOUT, ">&ENV";

Any luck with this?

> >Anyway, it seems to be a lot of overkill. Just iterate over your lists 
> >and
> >invoke ezmlm-send for each one. Done.
> Thanks, I'll look into that, but I think a little more explicit 
> documentation on qmail-queue would be helpful.

John Levine just threw together a Perl module that invokes qmail-queue
directly. See [http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=qmail&m=99016757917465&w=2];
it might be helpful. (I'm actually already using it...it is *really* nice.

Peter Green : Architekton Internet Services, LLC : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Q. Why is this so clumsy?
A. The trick is to use Perl's strengths rather than its weaknesses.
--- Larry Wall in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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