On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 08:44:20AM -0400, Dave Sill wrote:
> "Nathaniel L. Keeling III" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >How can I verify if this is a bare line problem or not?
> Use recordio to record the complete SMTP dialogue. See the faq.

A nice trick:
- create /service/qmail-smtpd as you would normally
- create /service/qmail-smtpd-recordio as a copy with recordio
  inserted, and logging to a separate space (be sure to chmod this
  logdir tight because recordio records complete emails).

The switchover is then simply:
# svc -u /service/qmail-smtpd-recordio ; svc -d /var/service/qmail-smtpd
and viceversa.

We have this on all our mailservers now, and for pop3 too. It's a
great diagnostic tool.

Greetz, Peter.

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