Does anyone have isoqlog running consistantly? I have worked on this for
quite awhile and think I have it narrowed down to the fact that I don't
get enough traffic to make the ../send/current log file grow over 100k.

Let me explain: I have installed isoqlog on several servers from very
low to very high traffic. The high traffic sites seem to work fine, the
low traffic sites don't work at all, and the medium traffic sites work
once in awhile. (Sounds like the three bears story right?) Anyway, with
all the testing I've done, it seems to be related to the ../send/current
file not getting big enough. I have setup qmail using the LWQ doc and
multilog. The author suggested I use splogger instead of multilog, but
the LWQ doc says not to do that since it slows everything down. Since I
only have trouble on the low traffic sites, would switching to splogger
be a big problem? Where is this magic number of 100k for multilog? Can
it be changed?

- Gary

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