I must forward msgs from 1 sender to groups of users  AFTER EXAMINING


the rcpt of msg is user1
IF subject contains the char string "xxx" THEN the msg must be forwarded
to users user2, user3, user4
IF subject contains the char string "yyy" THEN the msg must be forwarded
to users user5, user6, user7
..and so on....

It's possibile? How?

I think with use of .qmail files in /home/user1 specifing a program
(perl?, C?) that executes the forwarding. It's right? How can I manage
in program Subject: To: contents?


Massimo Quintini
Osservatorio Astronomico Collurania Teramo
Via Mentore Maggini s.n.c. 64100 TERAMO (Italy)
Tel +39-0861210490  Fax +39-0861210492

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