On Tue, Jun 05, 2001 at 02:28:31AM +0000, NewBiePortal allegedly wrote:
> Hi 
> I'm wondering, do I really need to log anything. Is this must or is it extra for 
>debugging purpose. I just feel that there would be much improvement with the sending 
>mail if my cpu did not have to bother with logging every email that's leaving my 
>mailer.  I mean I have millions of junk emails which none of them are important at 
> I'm kinda of newbie but can someone confirm that It's okay to get rip of 
> qmail-smtpd/log/run

It's entirely up to you. I wish I was lucky enough to work on an email
system that has "millions of junk emails" and which required no
analysis or problem diagnosis or anything, ever! Just remember most
problems have to be looked "back at" which is only possible with some
sort of log.

Of course the fact that your system does have "millions of junk
emails" suggests that something is very wrong in the first instant -
something like being abused as an open-relay that a log might well
identify.. But as I say, it's your server.

There is the final point that you don't know what your logging really
costs. How much of a "bother" is it to your CPU? Have you measured it
or are you speculating? Is the bother greater than that or the
"millions of junk emails" that you might be able to eliminate?


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