It depends on which version of Exchange you are talking about.... I run
this exact same setup with Exchange 4.0 and qmail running outside the
firewall.  Exchange 4.0 does not support pop3, so there is a program
freely available called pullmail that can be run on the NT Exchange
server to pop email from qmail and shove it into Exchange SMTP.... This
setup isn't the best, but it's working pretty good right now... In the
mean time, I am planning on replacing Exchange with InsightServer from
Bynari. Looks to be a pretty good drop in replacement for Exchange that
runs on *NIX, and supports Outlook, as well as many other MUAs.... You
can find it here: . I don't work for Bynari, I'm
just interested in their software..... Good Luck!


>From:  Scott Gifford[SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent:  Wednesday, June 06, 2001 7:30 AM
>To:    Tonino Greco
>Subject:       Re: Using Qmail as an exchange server ??
>Tonino Greco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> What the idea is - MS EXchange does not work that good :) - and we
>> need to replace it - but the exchange server does a poll to another
>> Primary server at a ISP.  This hold the mail spool - and when the
>> exchange server dials in - gets the mail and the distributes it
>> locallly .  Can this be done with qmail ???
>  You could probably do this with a combination of qmail and
>fetchmail.  Fetchmail is at

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