On 8 Jun 2001 14:34:17 +0200,
 Kirti S. Bajwa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris:
> One of the company I work for has qmail with 200 users. They have to patch a
> system file which require that the system be re-booted. Instead of just
> shutting down the system, they want to send a email message to everybody
> announcing the planned shutdown.
> I think in future keep your comments to yourself until you know what the
> hell you are talking about. use your energies for productive work.

No this is not spam, but there are alternatives:

Create a mailinglist where every user is subscribed (automatically when-
ever a new user is added to the system). Have this list moderated by
the sysadmin. Now the sysadmin is able to send mails to everyone.

Use newsgroups.

Robert Sander
Computer Scientist                                       Epigenomics AG
Bioinformatics R&D        www.epigenomics.com         Kastanienallee 24
+493024345330                                              10435 Berlin

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