Hi Pablo,

I have the same problem as yours. Which linux kernel are you using ? Is it 
a SMP machine ? 

I'm still investigating, so I'm not sure if what I'm going to tell you is 
right or no. I think it may be a problem with the select() system call. 
Yours and my machine simple reached its limit. If you do a 'ps -alwx', you 
are going to see a lot of 'do_sel' in the WCHAN column, which means qmail-
popup is waiting for the select() call to finish. If do a 'strace -T -f -p 
pid_of_tcpserver_for_pop', you are going to see that sometimes the select 
didn't finish or it takes too much time.

If anybody have something to add I'll really appreciate. I'm thinking to 
upgrade do kernel 2.4.x since I heard it handles select() better. 

Any comments ?

Renato - Brazil.

PS. By the way, I'm running kernel-2.2.19-6.2.1, non-SMP machine, Bruce's 

On Tue, 12 Jun 2001 13:16:26 -0300, "Pablo Pessagno" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu :

> We have two new Compaq Proliant, and it is happening with both of them, 
so I
> don´t think this is a hardware issue...
> On the other hand, it doesn´t crash. I have read the link Nick provided, 
> I don´t have any segfault. Just sometimes happens that I can do a pop 3
> connection, but can´t authenticate. I have set all the concurrencies to
> 1000....
> but don´t know anything more to do...
> Any more ideas will be greatly appreciated!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Nick (Keith) Fish" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Pablo Martín" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Qmail Mailing List"
> Sent: Monday, June 11, 2001 4:04 PM
> Subject: Re: qpop3-d: connects but doesn´t gives OK
> > Pablo Martín wrote:
> >
> > Help! We have a system running bruce´s patched qmail and AVP. It has 400
> >
> > accounts.
> > It has been running ok for 2 months, but now sometimes pop-3d doesn´t
> > work.
> > I can telnet localhost 110, it greets me but it doesn´t says OK.
> > Sometimes I restart it with the supervise scripts and all returns to
> > normallity, but sometimes it needs a reboot.
> > Any ideas?
> > Thanks from Argentina
> Whenever I hear sporadic behavior like this, my first instinct is to blame
> hardware; but I'm a die-hard *NIX fan so it's not always the case.
> Anyways, I would recommend checking through your system for
> descrepencies.  Usually what I do to check for this is grab the latest
> stable release of GCC and compile away (with `make -j [number of CPUs]
> bootstrap`).  If I get any SegFaults or the like, I dig into the matter
> more using the checklist at http://www.BitWizard.nl/sig11/ .  Do it late
> at night, though, and you won't have as many angry customers in the event
> you do manage to crash your system.  It's tedious; but it works. =)
> --
> Nick (Keith) Fish
> Network Engineer
> Triton Technologies, Inc.

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