I'm seeing a rather bizarre problem with qmail, or perhaps the
interaction between qmail and Mailman.

I'm running Mandrake 8 with qmail 1.03, Mailman 2.0.5, apache 1.3.20,
and xinetd.

When I originally set up qmail, I set up the qmail and nofiles groups,
and the three respective users in each group. I doublechecked the
accuracy and existence of these users and groups later, when I was
troubleshooting another issue (which turned out to be unrelated to
users/groups), so I know that at some point, these were correct.

I installed and configured Mailman, but when I went to send a test
message to the mailing list, I started getting the following errors in
my logs:
    Mailman mail-wrapper: Failure to exec script. WANTED gid 400, GOT
gid 401. (Reconfigure to take 401?)
    qmail: 992375092.776089 delivery 3:

After much poking and prodding (trying to reconfigure mailman with a
different gid, etc) I went back to look at the users and groups and
saw that the "alias" user was no longer assigned to the right group.
In fact, it was assigned to group 401, the existence of which appears
to be limited to the details of the "alias" user.

I reassigned the "alias" user to its right group, reconfigured and
reinstalled mailman, and the mailing list messages were still failing,
with the same error. It was at this point that I came to the
conclusion that it was not in fact Mailman that was the problem, but
most probably qmail.

I attempted to reconfigure/reinstall qmail with no success: the alias
user is now appearing in the right group, but somewhere the gid 401 is
still being passed when trying to send messages to the mailing list.

In frustration at this point, I removed the install directories of
both Mailman and qmail, removed their source directories, removed the
original tarballs, removed their users and groups .... redownloaded
both programs, and started again.

And I'm still getting the same error.
Okay, so I know I missed something in the process of reinstalling or
reconfiguring qmail. The question is, what did I forget to remove or
change? Any ideas on how to fix this problem would be greatly


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