Thank you for your reply.

> On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 09:29:05PM -0400, David Means wrote:
> > If there is a way to configure Mon to report a service as down after a
> > number of failures, then that is my recommendation.  Just because a
> alertafter 2 15m
> gives an alert if the service failes 2 times within 15 minutes.

I know that option, but I wish to understand why monitoring fails.
I mean: if the monitoring is experiencing timeout, clients too will...
Cordiali saluti / Best regards
Andrea Cerrito
Net.Admin @ Centro MultiMediale di Terni S.p.A.
P.zzale Bosco 3A
05100 Terni IT
Tel. +39 744 5441330
Fax. +39 744 5441372

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