Stephen Bosch writes:
 > > This is the old-fashioned way to log.
 > But Dave... what's wrong with my setup? =)

splogger is slow.  It's incompatible between systems.

 > Should I just reconfigure everything according to the new LWQ?

Yes.  That's the first thing I do when I get to a new customer's
site.  That way, once I leave them, they can ask questions on the
mailing list, and everybody will know where their files are.

 > I don't have the overview here -- this supervise logging stuff is
 > really opaque for me.

svscan looks in /service for directories with a "run" file.
svscan starts up a supervise which runs the run file.
Oh, but before doing that, if the directory has the sticky bit set,
    svscan runs a supervise on ./log/run, and redirects its stdin from
    the output of the main supervise.

So, every service with logging has its current log in
/service/*/log/main/current .  Maybe I've gone a bit overboard on
/service, but here's my listing of services:

axfrdns   dnscache  ftpd      msql2d    qmail     rsyncd    sshd
bray      etrn      httpd     pop3d     qmtpd     smtpd     tinydns

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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