Drew Hawn wrote:
> In my log file (/var/log/qmail/qmail-smtpd) I have files named similarly to:
> "@400000003b26027a37dfa084.s"
> These files contain thousands of entries similar to :
> @400000003b262932196daa9c tcpserver: fatal: unable to bind: address already
> used
> I don't know what this is and I've got 25MB of log files with these entries.
> What do they mean?

They mean what they say: qmail is unable to start the SMTP service because
something else is already running (probably SMTP) on port 25.  Find out is
running there.  Places to look include inetd.conf or xinetd.conf.  Most
likely you forgot to kill the copy of sendmail you have running on your
system is this is your first attempt at starting qmail or you have an old
tcpserver process running qmail on that port which was never killed
correctly.  Do `ps aux | grep [tcpserver/sendmail]`, respectively.

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

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