Now *this* is a bug report.  I don't have to go back and ask you
questions because you've told us what happened, and what you expected
to see happen, and what you did and what happened when you did it.
Good job, Paulo!  Muy bien!

Paulo Jan writes:
 >      When I later stopped qmail again to delete more spam, I started finding
 > weird inconsistencies. For example, qmail-read would show a piece of
 > junk-mail, but when I tried to view or delete it using qmHandle, it
 > would say that it didn't exist. Or I would go to queue/info and see a
 > certain file (say, 880099), and when I tried to view it using qmHandle,
 > it would say again that it didn't exist.

That sounds like a problem in qmHandle.  If you can see the file but
qmHandle doesn't know about it, that's a problem right there.

 > Not only that, but some users started receiving bounce messages for
 > users to which they had NOT send mails, almost as if qmail had
 > mixed up the recipients for the junk mails and the regular
 > ones.

This can happen if you change the queue files while qmail-send is
running.  It can also happen if the queue is inconsistent.
qmail-queue relies on the inode of the message file matching the
name of the message file.  If it doesn't, then you can get a new
message arriving which ends up with the envelope sender and recipients 
for an existing message.  Try running qmail-qsanity:

qsanity doesn't fix anything, but it will tell you about problems in
your queue data structure.

 >      After seeing this, I stopped qmail and ran queue-fix, but the problem
 > still persisted for 2 or 3 days, until the queue ran out of spam (either
 > because they bounced or because we deleted them by hand). My question
 > is: has anbody seen this before? I have a hard time believing that
 > qmail's queue could have been corrupted by just 1500 mails, and I
 > haven't touched the queue by hand in any moment (other than to view
 > (that is, *read*) some files). It certainly looks very odd to me...

Well, as you say, qmHandle was confused, so maybe there's a bug in qmHandle?

-russ nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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