> I think this is probably the cause for the high cpu
> load from qmail. Can anyone give me a pointer on how I
> can fix this? I'll admit that I am a complete newbie
> to linux and qmail, so any help and/or detailed
> instructions is greatly appreciated.

Did you remove the line beginning with "pop3" from the /etc/inetd.conf
file? If not, that's the reason.

In that case comment this line out (a # sign at the begin of the line)
and restart inetd.
To do this look at the process id of inetd:

ps ax | grep inetd | grep -v grep

The number at the front is the process id.

Then do a 

kill -HUP 1234

(replace 1234 with the found process id of inetd).

Regards, Frank

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