I had this problem before and I ended up just executing that ./config script
again, which is located where you compiled qmail from. That took care of
updating all the files necessary to make it work with the new domain name.
Also if your DNS server is not configured properly, you can try running
"./config-fast the.full.hostname" where the.full.hostname is your qualified
domain name like mail.newdomain.com.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Sill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 25, 2001 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: Wrong Server Name in Qmail Header?


>Whenever my qmail server sends someone an email, the
>following line appears in the header:
>"Received: from mail.mydomain.com
>(old_name.mydomain.com [] (may be
>However, recently I changed my server name from
>old_name.mydomain.com to new_name.mydomain.com.
>Is there anything I can do to let qmail recognize the
>new server name? Is my only option a recompile or is
>there a file I can edit?

grep old_name /var/qmail/control/*

Then change all occurrences of old_name to new_name and restart qmail.


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