On Thu, Jun 28, 2001 at 10:57:09AM +0530, D Rajesh wrote:
> Whenever a qmail-remote tries to send a mail to hotmail.com..... it hangs for 
>sometime. As I had 8000 out of 30,000 mails as hotmail ID's the number of 
>occurrence's of hotmail were more. So, the 300 qmail-remote processes were just 
>hanging, trying to send those mails. So, whenever one process time-out , it gives way 
>for other mail's to be sent.

>Hotmail is broken. you cannot fix this.

Try running a real MTA like Iplanet messaging server, Sendmail, Notes or Exchange 
server. Even Exchange 4.0 is more advanced than qmail. Qmail was an attractive option 
when we had less than 300 users, because it was free, but now that our company has 
over 1500, it is not robust enough.

Hotmail is a modified attempt at fixing the qmail bugs. Hotmail is only using qmail 
today because a change in software will cause an interruption in service. They are 
stuck with it for the time being.



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