On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 03:05:44AM -0500, David Dahl wrote:
>>On Wed, Jul 04, 2001 at 01:41:40AM -0500, David Dahl wrote:

>>>  I cannot get qmail to startup properly:

>>The examples you showed are from an installation that uses daemontools. Is
>>svscan running?

> Yes, it is installed and can run.  i guess i just realized that i did 
> not activate svscan in inittab...
> do i need to reboot now?

Yes, or do 

# kill -HUP 1

As in section 2.7 of Life With Qmail.

>>>  shutdown and error:
>>> =============================================
>>  qmail-send
>>> svc: warning: unable to control /service/qmail-send: file does not exist
>>Those directories aren't being supervised; probably svscan isn't running
> I guess I do not understand how "supervise" works...


   supervise switches to the directory named service and starts ./run. It
   restarts ./run if ./run exits. It pauses for a second before starting
   ./run, so that it does not loop too quickly if ./run exits immediately.

supervise is used to manage a service; svscan is used to manage the


>>Why is there a "log" directory and a "run" file in your /service? You have
>>your /service directory configured like it is a service itself; it's not.
>>the /service directory is used to tell svscan where to find services to
>>supervise. Also, the /service directory should be owned root.root, not
> I have been following "Life with qmail" all night.  It says to setup 
> the log dir and run file in that directory.

I just searched Life With Qmail looking for that instruction; it doesn't say


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