i have a problem: i want fetchmail to deliver my mail from a pop server to
my computer. Obiovously i have installe Qmail here and my mail format is
Maildir. I've read in an HOWTO to add this line  to my .fetchmailrc:

mda '/usr/bin/env - /usr/local/bin/maildir ~/Maildir'

but i haven't the file /usr/local/bin/maildir (i don't have a file called
maildir in my HD) and fetchmail notify that to me in this manner:

/usr/bin/env: /usr/local/bin/maildir: No such file or directory
#*fetchmail: SIGPIPE thrown from an MDA or a stream socket error
fetchmail: socket error while fetching from <mypopserver>
fetchmail: Query status=2 (SOCKET)
fetchmail: normal termination, status 2
fetchmail: terminated with signal 13

Thanks in advance! 

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