I think I sent this in a few days ago, but I have seen no replies as yet. 
I seem to be seeing periodic corruption of my tcp.smtp.cdb file. I would 
really value some input from those more knowledgable than myself b/c I am
totally stumped...

It all started when I wanted to open up SMTP to other machines on my local
network. I added this line to tcp.smtp and rebuilt the cdb:

Now the smtp socket seems to die or hang or something after 12-24 hours.
netstat shows it as still listening, but a telnet to port 25 will connect
but not initiate a session or respond to any commands. Applications
attempting to send mail will of course timeout waiting for a response.

Restarting qmail with `qmail restart` does NOT solve the problem, nor does
restarting the OS. Simply rebuilding the cdb with `qmail cdb` DOES HOWEVER
fix the problem immediately. So it does seem that the tcp.smtp.cbd file is
being corrupted. 

I don't see anything anywhere in the logs to indicate that something bad
is happenening. I am no qmail expert so I'm about at the end of my
troubleshooting capability. Anybody who can shed some light on the inner 
workings of this cdb so I can figure out why it is being corrupted? 

I mean, I could always cron a `qmail cdb` script and probably avoid the
issue, but I hate not get down to the root cause.

My qmail setup is pretty plain vanilla - configured according to the 
advice in "living with qmail". It was running fine for several weeks 
before I made this change, although I was not really using SMTP then.


- josiah

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