On Fri, Jul 06, 2001 at 09:34:39PM -0600, Charles Cazabon wrote:
> Brian Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> >   In summary, I am having problems with emails getting stuck when fetched
> > from qmail-pop3d. They are almost always attached MS Word documents. They
> > aren't necessarily long, I've got 32k messages that do it and 1M messages.
> > 
> >   I'm running on kernel 2.0.39, qmail 1.03, daemontools 0.70, ucspi-tcp 0.88
> > and a slightly modified checkpassword to handle pop accounts in my virtual
> > domains. This system has been in place since 1999 and has always had an
> > occasional problem but recently I am getting 1 or 2 messages a week that are
> > sticking.
> I assume you mean Linux kernel 2.0.39?  What patches?  What vendor's kernel?
> Or did you compile from a Linus tarball?

  Sorry, Linux 2.0.39 on what used to be a RH 5.2 system but has been
heavily upgraded over the years. The kernel itself is from an un-patched

> >   I have 2 different cases where this happens. The first is when my home
> > system, using fetchmail, is downloading messages. If the home machine's
> > MTU/MRU is set to 1500 or 1480 the messages in question will hang. If I
> > change the MRU to 576 then they pass through. I don't know if any messages
> > hang using 576, but I haven't seen any.
> This smells strongly of a kernel TCP/IP bug.  qmail-pop3d knows nothing of
> packets or MTU -- it just sees a couple of fds.  Linux has had a couple of real
> bad bugs like this in the past; a long-standing one wasn't fixed until very
> recently in 2.2.19.  You could be running into this bug.

  I'm afraid that its something like that. I was hoping my upgrade to 2.0.39
would fix any odd kernel bugs. I've been avoiding a complete upgrade because
it means a total system rebuild and I really hate doing that. It looks like
a rebuild is probably in the future, unless anyone has a better suggestion.



Brian C. Lane - Linux Programmer/Consultant/Writer         www.brianlane.com
Liberty & Privacy 'zine Editor                           www.libertynews.org
In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to
liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses
in return for protection to his own.
        -- Thomas Jefferson, 1814

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