After patching qmail-remote.c with Frederik Lindbergs qmail-verh-0.06, the only problem I encountered was with To: header fields of the form where each mailing recipient, apart from the verh bounce and reply addresses, would get a "personal" message with his address in the To: field.
The solution above makes qmail-inject add the default domain to the resulting header, as it can't find the dot in the domain part of the address. I couldn't find any imediate solution for this so the patch I came up with is attached to this mail. The modifications are made only to qmail-inject.c, as it's not a big deal, or otherwise I would have had to touch at least 3 files (the token files and headers)... don't take my head off.
The perfect reply to this would be "hehe... you could have just removed file x" or thelike...
A+ from Paris


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