* Charles Cazabon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010711 12:04]:

> I'm just sick of "how do I unsubscribe?" questions on ezmlm lists.

It sometimes amazes me how even idiot-proof software always finds a
bigger idiot. I've got roughly 16k of procmail recipes for stripping
"This is the k3w1 100z3r L!$t, to unsub send mail to ..." banners from
luser lists - quite annoying.

I wonder, though, why this list isn't running ezmlm-idx (he he...) or at
least extended headers. OTOH, 99% of unsuscription request come from
$LAMER_MUA lusers. Ah... the joys of luser friendly software...
"headers? who needs stinking headers? let's have some features
instead... active-X anyone? some viruses? or some backdoor to go with
that, dear paying customer?". 

Sometimes, I wonder what this world would look like if someone had nuked
Redmond in '85... *sigh* EoT, please?

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