what's exactly your problem ?
try telnetting the server and do a smtp conversation by hand
if it works, the problem has to searched by perl, if this doesn't work 
either, tell us some details about your configuration and especially your logs

At 13:46 13.07.2001 -0700, ed lim wrote:
>         Is there a way to turn relay a message off a server that has 
> qmail installed? I was trying to send a mail via Net:SMTP through the 
> mail server (QMAIL) but it doesn't seem to do anything. If there is a 
> solution, could anybody give me a detailed way of configuring this 
> set-up? Thanks.

Lukas "Maverick" Beeler / Telematiker
Project: D.R.E.A.M / every.de - Your Community
Web: http://www.projectdream.org

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