"Joshua Nichols" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I have a box (lwq + qmail-verh basically) that runs a number of opt in
>lists.  Recently, a user sent a bunch of UCE, and though that problem has
>been solved, I'd like to be able to enforce the request of those who
>complained and asked "to never receive another email from us".
>Because I anticipate other users breaking their TOS at some point in the
>future, I'd like to be able to "block" certain outbound addresses at the
>qmail-send or qmail-remote level.  Ideally, I would have a control file that
>listed addresses and wildcards that this box would refuse to send mail to.
>That is, if [EMAIL PROTECTED] requests that our service not allow
>sending to his domain, I could put that restriction on the box, regardless
>of whether [EMAIL PROTECTED] subscribes to one of these lists, or is
>added against her will or whatnot.

Use control/virtualdomains. Say aol.com and [EMAIL PROTECTED] ask you to
not send them mail. Add the following to virtualdomains:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED]:alias-devnull

Then create ~alias/.qmail-devnull-default containing:


If you want to throw the mail away, or:

  |echo "mail to this address is blocked locally by request"; exit 100

If you want to generate a bounce message.


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